Procurement Card Procedures Cardholders
Housekeeping Please sign in Facilities Break Cell Phones
Goals: After this session, learners will be knowledgeable of NMSU procurement card procedures. Learners will be able to identify allowable/ unallowable purchases when using NMSU PCards. Learners will be knowledgeable on how to process transactions in the CCER system.
Objectives: At completion of course, participants will… Be able to locate appropriate resources and references for future use. Be familiar of the policies and regulations regarding PCard purchases. Be able to accurately document transactions in the CCER System.
Agenda: Review and become familiar with PCard directives. Review and become familiar with allowable and unallowable purchases. Complete activity.
Methods for Purchases Purchase Orders Procurement Cards Reimbursement Direct Pay
Eligible for a PCard NMSU regular employee 0.75 minimum FTE No temps, students or affiliates
How do you get a PCard? Complete Procurement Application Attend Cardholder Procedures Training Attend FSA-RMR Informational Session Complete FSA-RMR Bridge to BDMS and PCard Receipts Destruction Training
Cardholders Role: Role: Granted the right of purchasing for NMSU Scan and upload receipts before deadline. Reconcile statement before deadline. Email questions to
Cardholders Responsibilities: Purchases within limits & restrictions. Ensure no tax is charged on goods. Responsible for any activity on the card. Ensure only NMSU employees use the PCard to purchase goods or services. Report fraud activity. Ensure goods or services are received in suitable condition. Ensure proper credit(s) are received for returned goods or services. Notify PCard Administration of any employment changes.
Limits No furniture or equipment over $1,000 $3,000 per transaction No transaction splitting $10,000 per month Monthly available credit limit will be reset on the 29th of each month
University Unallowable NMSU Business Procedure Manual 4.00.45 The following are examples of unallowable and restricted purchases on any University account. The list should not be considered all-inclusive but merely a guide for purchases that are not allowed. University Unallowable Retirement gifts over $100 Annual credit card fees Donations Holiday decorations Event tickets Personal goods or services Fines or Penalties Alcohol beverages
Restricted PCard Purchases NMSU Business Procedure Manual 4.40.645 The list should not be considered all-inclusive but merely a guide for purchases that are not allowed using the PCard. Restricted PCard Purchases Travel (exception airfare) ATM Cash Advances NMGRT on Goods Employee uniforms and clothing Contracts for multiyear agreements Monthly reoccurring charges Construction Rentals, leases and agreements *Note: BPM
Activity Check all that apply Item to Purchase Use the PCard Use a Purchase Order Not allowed Office Supplies Conference fees Reoccurring monthly charges Construction Copier Rental Birthday Cards NMGRT on Goods Computer over $1000 Airline tickets
Activity X Item to Purchase Use the PCard Use another approved purchase option Not allowed Office Supplies X Conference fees Reoccurring monthly charges Construction Copier Rental Birthday Cards NMGRT on Goods Computer over $1000 Airline tickets
Reviewing your PCard Statement In WellsFargo CCER System
Notification from WellsFargo
Cycle Calendar Reconciliation and Approver periods
Log In
Click on Commercial Card Expense Reporting
Review Open Statement
Statement Period
Items Needing Reconciliation
Reclassify Select the transaction (select one at a time) Click Reclassify
Reclassify Cont. Verify that the information on the receipt matches the CCER transaction. If it doesn’t match, email
Reclassify Cont Steps to Complete Change General Ledger Code (default) cod
Reclassify Cont Select General Ledger (Account) Code
Reclassify Cont Steps to Complete Add Description
Reclassify Cont Steps to Complete Change Index (if needed) Select magnifying glass or type in index.
Reclassify Cont Select necessary index (if applicable)
Reclassify Cont Steps to Complete Select Approve/Decline as appropriate
Select Approved or Declined Reclassify Cont Select Approved or Declined Approved – Approved pcard transaction. Approved-Fraud – Used for fraudulent transaction reported to WellsFargo. Approved-Misuse – Used when a transactions is university allowable but pcard unallowable. Declined-Agcy Fnd – Used to decline unallowable agency transactions. Declined- Awards – Used when declining award purchases. Decline – Empl Unif – Used to decline uniform purchase on the pcard. Decline-Gasoline - Used to decline gasoline purchase on the pcard. Decline-Gifts – Used to decline gift purchased on the pcard. Decline-Mult YR – Used to decline multiyear service agreement on the pcard. Decline-Sales Tax – Used to decline sales tax charged on goods. *Items declined will post to a PCard Suspense fund (index 117083). The cardholder is responsible for reimbursing NMSU for the declined transaction.
Reclassify Cont Steps to Complete Check Receipt Attached box
Reclassify Cont Steps to Complete Save
Uploading Images Reclassification complete Uploading images -Print Statement -Print Coversheet Build your package
Print Coversheet Statement
Prepare your receipts for scanning Number your receipt in order as shown on your statement print out Compile your shorter receipts on same page Longer receipts on separate page Make sure receipts are legible and accounted for Compile Packet
Building your image package Scan documents in black & white in the following order: 1. Coversheet 2. Statement 3. Receipts Note: Scan pkg to self and contact IT dept for help
Verify Scans Incorrect Correct VS.
Submitting Receipts Email to: -One email per statement per cardholder -Include statement end date in email subject line -mm-dd-yyyy -No signature in body -2 to 3 hours to view
Verifying Uploaded Image Allow two hours before login in to verify
Finalizing reconciliation Ensure the following have been completed: Statement has been reviewed Transactions reclassified to appropriate index/account Transaction splits are indicated as applicable All transaction information has been saved Images have been uploaded and are legible Click Statement Reviewed button
Compliance Cardholders may receive notices for non-compliance.
PCard Security Discrepancies Fraud Lost or Stolen- Report immediately to 1-800-932-0036
Declined Purchase Possible reasons : Do you have available credit? Is the purchase within the limits? Did the vendor enter the credit card number, expiration date and address correctly in their system? Are you using an allowable vendor? Are you purchasing items that are from a blocked merchant category code?
Compliance Reviews PCard Administration conducts compliance reviews of PCard purchases. Non-compliance notices will be sent to cardholders that do not adhere to the NMSU PCard policies and procedures.
Contact Information PCard Administration 575-646-2916 WellsFargo Bank 1-800-932-0036 Open 24/7/365
RMR Training Registration