Character Education Assembly 2016-2017 Dr. Jefferson-Isaac, Assistant Principal Dr. Polson, Principal
Who Are Northern Parkway Students? Follow school rules. Show respect for others. Respect the learning environment. Make good behavior choices.
Where and When Can I Show That I Am Responsible, Respectful and Caring? In class In the cafeteria In the hallways On the playground On the bus During specials At lunchtime During morning line up At dismissal EVERYWHERE !
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Are courteous and respectful to all. Never hit, kick, push or fight. Walk on the right side in the halls and on the stairs. Follow any directions given by adults in charge.
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Know that cell phones are NOT allowed in school. However, if you have one for safety purposes, you MUST turn the cell phone off while inside of school, put the cell phone away in your book bag, and NEVER have it out in the open during the school day. If it is seen by an adult, it will be confiscated (taken and your parents have to come to the school to pick it up from the Principal).
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Never curse or use disrespectful language. Go directly home and don’t loiter around the school building. Involved in a club, know to go directly to the meeting place after dismissal. Know that ipods, electronic games and/or devices are not allowed.
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Know that they may not enter the building before 7:45 a.m. unless they have a pass from a club sponsor or teacher. Know that once inside of the building, all students line up at their morning line up location. Students must wait for their teachers to pick them up and escort them to class. EVERY student must have a book to read in the morning EVERY day.
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Know that bringing dangerous objects, weapons or look alike weapons (toys) to school is grounds for SUSPENSION. Know that wearing school uniforms on a daily basis in encouraged and recognized. Students who wear their uniforms consistently will be recognized by teachers and administrators. Dress appropriately at all times. No short shorts, shirts with inappropriate language or pictures, hats, or halter tops are allowed to be worn in the building.
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Lunch Rules Show respect to all adults. Sit only at assigned tables. Always remain in their seat until given permission to leave the area. Raise their hand when they have a question. Remain quiet when an adult speaks out loud and/or displays the quiet sign (fingers up).
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Keep their area clean. Never throw food. Speak in low voices and always use inside voices. Never play rough.
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Follow the Recess Rules: Tag games will be played on the Big Field only. Slide Transport Use the bottom of the feet first then torso up Use ladder and step to exit and enter Big Toy Continuous movement- no stopping or hanging out on top One person on slide at a time Monkey Bars/Wellness Stations Both hands must be use on the equipment at all time Standing on the top of the Monkey Bar is not permitted Jumping off the Monkey Bar is not permitted
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Follow the Recess Rules: Swings When there is someone swinging all students is to stand behind in grass near fence and wait their turn. Sit in swing with both hands holding chain When student is finished swinging they are to stop to get off and refrain from jumping Students Keep their hands to themselves at all times Refrain from chasing and jumping off any equipment Are aware of their surroundings around the equipment
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Know that there are consequences for their actions Not following the school or lunch rules could result in the following: Verbal Warning Visit to the Principal’s office Letter/phone call home Suspension from school
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Have their bus pass with them. Respect and listen to the bus driver at all times. Stay seated. Keep hands and feet to themselves. Know that voices and noise should be at a reasonable level.
Responsible, Respectful and Caring Students… Know that there are consequences for their actions on the bus Verbal warning from teacher and/or administrator Assigned seating and a call home. Suspended bus privileges for a period of 1-5 days. Suspension from the bus for the remainder of the year.
REMEMBER Stop! Always THINK about your actions and make good choices.
NPS Conflict Resolution Zone
“Class of the Month” Program Will begin shortly. The classes with the most certificates/class awards win. How to earn rewards— Cooperative behavior at lunch. Quick, quiet line-ups and hall passing. 100% homework. 100% uniforms. Compliment from a guest teacher (substitute). 100% returned signed Parent forms.
Class Rewards Winners are announced over the P.A. system along with second and third place winners. All classes that have shown improvement are also announced. The winning classes earn the traveling “Class of the Month” trophy to be displayed during the month of the award.
Have a wonderful school year!!!!