788.14D - Computer Animation Instructor: Rick Parent DL787 parent@cis.ohio-state.edu 292-0055
Animation Animating - Making something appear to move that doesn’t move itself Motion Control Techniques and Algorithms Procedural Animation is Emphasized NOT: Aesthetics Animation Production Digital Post-Processing
The Class In-Class Grading Midterm Lectures Final Videos Project Project reports
Lectures Animation, History, Production, Math Low-Level Techniques Higher-Level Algorithms Modeling Natural Phenomena Modeling and Animating Human Figures
Videos Conventional Animation (e.g. Disney) Previous Animations from Class Historic Computer Animation Recent Computer Animations
Student Animation Project Vignette Short action sequence Part of a story Use a procedural model Composition Camera control Lighting
Student Animation Project Design and present storyboard Give progress reports Present final project
Student Presentations Rough Story Storyboard (revised) Detailed Storyboard and sample stills Sample stills and low-quality rendering of sequences Finished sequence
Storyboard A house on a grassy area A space ship flies in It finally lands The ship destroys the house It flies away Fade out
Class Software C++ and OpenGL AL and Renderman Houdini Maya POV
Editing System “Animation PC” in DL680 ACCAD
Motion Specification and Control Techniques: Aids to user Interpolation Path following Keyframing Languages Morphing Algorithms: Procedures Inverse kinematics Physics of rigid bodies Flexible bodies Particle systems Flocking Autonomous Behavior Figure animation Reaching, Walking Facial animation Clothes Hair Skin Natural phenomena Plants Water Clouds Fire
Immediate Tasks Form into groups Start thinking of animation project Check out editing system Choose and familiarize yourself with software