Mission of the FMWC Commitment to the development of women physicians Promotion of the well being of all women
Women in medicine constitute: 32.5% of practicing physicians in Canada 53% of practicing physicians in Canada under the age of 35 66% of residents completing family medicine postgraduate training 14% first year trainees in cardiac surgery 83% first year trainees in ob/gyn 65% first year trainees in family medicine
Women in medicine constitute: 50% of geriatricians 48% of pediatricians 5% of urologists 7% of orthopedists 37% of general practitioners/family physicians
Barriers faced by women physicians Models of success in medicine “Double bind” of career vs. family Shortage of role models and mentors Sexism and sexual harassment Homophobia Disapproval of failure to conform to stereotypical gender roles Old boys network
Women physicians: Work in their practices, on average, fewer hours than men (46 vs. 53 hours per week) Are more likely to work in groups Earn less than men Are more likely to have children under five Have greater responsibilities for dependent care and housekeeping Are less likely to be married
Contributions of women physicians Defining women’s health and its determinants Recognizing the impact of gender bias and gender role stereotyping on health Advocating for the importance of addressing the impact of domestic violence on the health and lives of women Addressing the negative health consequences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and discrimination
Contribution of women physicians (cont’d) Advocating for reproductive rights Promoting research which: -addresses women’s health problems -eliminates gender bias in research -supports qualitative research Addressing the need for a more balanced lifestyle
Practice patterns of women physicians Spend more time with patients More likely to treat patients as partners in health care decisions Engage in more emotionally focused talk More likely to provide counselling More likely to provide preventive and screening services
Feminization of medicine The feminization of medicine really means the humanization of medicine Dr. T. Chalmers-Nixon
Concerns about women’s health Overmedicalization of women’s normal life events Psychiatrization of women’s concerns about their life circumstances Failure to include women as subjects in research studies Failure of research to address women’s health concerns Paternalistic attitude of physicians
GENDER Refers to the array of socially constructed roles and relationships, personality traits, attitudes, behaviours, values, relative power and influence that society ascribes to the two sexes on a differential basis Varies from society to society and over time
Women’s health is adversely affected by: Violence HIV/aids Depression Substance abuse Difficulty in accessing safe abortion Stress Dual roles Inadequate housing Poverty Shameful conditions imposed on our aboriginal peoples
What I learned The support of family and friends is critical. Nurture it and be nurtured by it. Be credible, knowledgeable and honest. Continue to learn, evolve and keep up with the literature. Read the writings of social scientists and academics in women’s studies . Believe in what you do. Have “fire in your belly”.
What I learned (cont’d) Listen to others, respect their point of view Don’t waste your breathe on those who will not listen to evidence or logic. Speak up for what you believe and against wrong-doing. Find good mentors and be a mentor yourself. Be aware of issues that need changing in the world beyond medicine and your own personal domain. Always remember that health care cannot be seen in isolation from the society we live in.