Journal of Vision. 2013;13(7):6. doi: /13.7.6 Figure Legend:


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Presentation transcript:

From: Evaluation of an organic light-emitting diode display for precise visual stimulation Journal of Vision. 2013;13(7):6. doi:10.1167/13.7.6 Figure Legend: Movie presentation including one-frame stimuli. The left panel shows the programmed frame sequence. Each frame duration was 16.7 ms. The right panel shows the images actually displayed on an LCD (Mitsubishi, RDT233WX-3D) and the OLED display placed side-by-side. Photographs were taken every 6 ms. The shutter speed was 1 ms. The left (right) side in each picture shows the image on the LCD (OLED display). The LCD was set in Game mode with the “Overdrive mode 1” on. Each programmed frame was clearly defined on the OLED display, whereas the vertical and horizontal stripes were not separated on the LCD screen. Note that the image appearing on the LCD screen is delayed by two to three frames relative to that on the OLED display. Date of download: 10/22/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.