1- zipped pouch for pencils (no boxes) East Franklin Elementary Second Grade Supply List 1- zipped pouch for pencils (no boxes) 1- pack Ticonderoga pencils 1- pack pencil top erasers 1- Pair of Children’s Scissors 1- Pack of Highlighters 3- Hardcover Composition Books (not spiral- bound) 8- Elmer’s Glue Sticks (two will be used each nine weeks) 1-Elmer’s White Glue 3- plastic folders with prongs 4- pkgs. of Crayola Crayons or 2 pkgs. Twistables 3- Containers of Lysol/Clorox Wipes 2- Boxes of Kleenex Tissues 1- bag treat jar prize (candy, stickers, small prizes) Engert & Long Only- 1 Clipboard Girls Only: Lysol Spray, Crayola Markers, School Ruler Boys Only: Expo Markers, Ziploc baggies, Hand Sanitizer Wish List: Binder Clips, White Card Stock, Masking Tape and Baby Wipes