Session Ten: Communication Total Time: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Session Ten: Objectives Have learned how to identify their real friends. Learn how to build strong and positive relationships. Increase their level of self-esteem. Increase feelings of strength to face life’s challenges. By the end of the session, we hope participants will: 1. Have learned how to identify their real friends. 2. Learn how to build strong and positive relationships. 3. Increase their level of self-esteem. 4. Increase feelings of strength to face life’s challenges.
Session Ten: Layout Overview of Session Ten Welcome – 5 Minutes Meal – 30 Minutes Peer Communication Definitions – 5 Minutes Parent and Youth Breakout Sessions – 75 Minutes Group Gathering – 5 Minutes Announcements and Reminders – 5 Minutes Closing – 5 Minutes Session Ten: Layout Overview of Session Ten Welcome – 5 Minutes Meal – 30 Minutes Peer Communication Definitions – 5 Minutes Parent and Youth Breakout Sessions – 75 Minutes Group Gathering – 5 Minutes Announcements and Reminders – 5 Minutes Closing – 5 Minutes
Supply Box Construction paper, markers, crayons, pens, or pencils Camera (is suggested) Materials
Preparation Checklist Ask an Elder or spiritual leader, at least one week in advance, to be present at the session to give the opening prayer, food blessing, and closing prayer. Tobacco and smudge pack Set out the materials from the supply box that will be used for the Hand Activity. ____________________________________________________ Preparation Checklist
Session Ten: Summary & Overview Overview of Session Ten Peer Communication: Definitions and Discussion PARENT: Preparing Children for Success: Discussion with Worksheet YOUTH: Friendship Brainstorm, Group Up, and Hand Activity: Session Ten: Summary & Overview This session allows youth to learn skills in identifying their real friends; those people who are not their friends; and how to build strong, positive, and trusting relationships. We will discuss how friends and family can help in overcoming life’s challenges.
While we are waiting for all the families to arrive, take a few minutes and make a bracelet to remind you of what you learned from last session. This isn’t only for kids, parents can make a bracelet too! As the Families Arrive You can welcome the families and check them in on the attendance sheet. As each person arrives, ask them write down an important lesson they learned last session. You may ask them to make a bracelet to remind them of the new teaching in their day to day lives. Remember to greet the Elders appropriately.
Welcome We couldn’t do this program without you, so thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us. We are excited to have you here. We have just one month left before our program is over and we are looking forward to the upcoming celebration feast. Once everyone has arrived, welcome them as a group. Ask if there are any questions from last session. There was no take home activity for the youth, but the parents were supposed to read over the “Discussing Hate and Violence with Children” worksheet. Ask the parents if they have any questions about the worksheet. Introduce the invited Elder to give the opening prayer. 5 Minutes
Meal Announce that it is now time for the meal. Ask the Elder for the blessing of the food. Mingle with the families during the meal. Please spread out and sit with the families. 30 Minutes
Peer Communication Definitions Describe peer communication (time spent talking with friends or family members). Ask parents and youth to write down their own definition of positive peer communication. Tell them that we will come back to these definitions at the end of the session. 5 Minutes
Parent & Youth Breakout Sessions Ask parents to split out into a separate group from their children. Direct them to their individual meetings spaces 75 minutes
Youth Breakout Session Announce that the topic is friends. You may ask the youth to brainstorm ideas on friendship. Use the flipchart, white board, chalk board, or sheets of papers set where everyone is able to read the list so they can keep track of their answers Direct the youth to page 48 of their booklets “Qualities of Friendship Quiz” and have them fill it out. Read off each question to the group. Ask if there are questions. 15 Minutes
Youth Breakout Session Group Up Activity Announce that it is time for an activity called “Group Up.” Directions for this activity are found in the manual. 15 Minutes
Youth Breakout Session Friendship Disagreement Discussion You may choose to lead a discussion about friendships and disagreements that can happen in friendships. Help the youth brainstorm different ideas. Once they complete their brainstorming activity, give them some additional examples. Remind youth that if their friends keep changing in a way that they don’t like, it is ok to find a new group of friends. Ask if there are any questions before continuing to the next activity. 15 Minutes
Youth Breakout Session Hand Activity You may now choose to use the Hand Activity, which is found in the manual. 15 Minutes
Youth Breakout Session For the next activity, direct the youth to page 49 of their booklet (“My Best Friend”). Let them know they will be completing an activity about their best friend. 15 Minutes
Parent Breakout Session Talk with parents about ways to prepare children for success. Review page 21 of the parent booklet. Ways to better facilitate this discussion can be found in the manual. You can encourage parents to participate by sharing their thoughts and answers. You may also wish to work through an example of praise with the parents: Then, direct parents to page 47 of their booklets “Preparing Children for Success”. After the families have spent some time on their worksheets, announce that you would like them to share their ideas with the rest of the group. 60 Minutes
Parent Breakout Session Discussion Parent Breakout Session Each parent will have an opportunity to share their idea with the group. Ask the parents to discuss their idea, the facilitator will write their comments on the flipchart, white board, chalk board, or sheets of paper; set the comments somewhere every family member is able to read them. Remember that your role is very important during this process. You must be encouraging, helpful with suggestions and ideas, and always have a positive attitude. 15 Minutes
Group Gathering 5 Minutes Gather your families back together in a large group for the announcements, reminders, and session closing. 5 Minutes
Announcements and Reminders Homework (pick one): Parent involvement in school Q.F.T. Encouraging creativity Teaching compassion Establishing ways to reward good behavior. Ask the parents and youth to re-read their definition of peer communication from the beginning of the session. Do they want to change or add anything? Inform the families that the take home activity is mostly for the parents, but involves the whole family. You could have each family find time in the coming week to do one of the activities that we have discussed in the parent session. 5 Minutes
We appreciate your participation We appreciate your participation. This program wouldn’t be possible without you! Our next session: Valuing Differences Closing prayer by Elder Collect paperwork if needed Closing Tell the families how sincerely you appreciate their participation. Let the families know that you look forward to seeing them at the next session. You may want to ask a family member or Elder to give a closing prayer before ending the session. If there is time, ask the Elder to give a short talk on the importance of today’s session. Collect any paperwork, if needed, and/or pass out any possible items to participants. 5 Minutes