The Oregon Trial Rae Ann Ray, IDEA Specialist, Oregon Department of Education Marc Shelton, COE Interim Dean, George Fox University H325A10003
“IF we just knew then what we know now” … a lesson learned from interagency collaboration to prepare leaders for effective inclusive schools in Oregon H325A120003
Engaging Question … with a shoulder partner (5 mins) Describe 1) a time where collaboration with an external partner worked and 2) specify the turning point in the process – why did it work so we can replicate it? Share out from conversations …
Essential Questions What are some ideas generated about interagency collaboration in your context, using the Oregon Trial scenario? What learning on systemic change can help organizations move from planning-specifics to the big picture and back again for implementation?
Principals and Effective Inclusive Schools “Schools that function inclusively do so for a reason… the principals in these schools were the reason” Christine L. Salisbury (2006, p.79). Principals' Perspectives on Inclusive Elementary Schools. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.
Why? Define Inclusion In effective inclusive schools—students with disabilities belong to the school community and are valued by others They actively participate in the academic and social community of the school They are given care that offers them the opportunity to succeed.
Why? The Principal Principals in effective inclusive schools have core values that reflect this definition of inclusion. Principals made sure their core values are reflected in the shared vision of the school.
Why? The Principal Principals were “adamant and uncompromising” about core values For principals, “inclusion was a non-negotiable founded in civil rights”
The Dilemma Principals need to act to create a culture for effective inclusive schools Transform a school into an inviting place that promotes learning and growth for students with disabilities Preparation for effective inclusive principals is different Key competencies and skills are necessary to lead an inclusive school where each student succeeds
Professional Standards for Educational Leaders Competencies within PSEL 2015 Administrator Preparation Programs: How do we incorporate the PSEL refresh into existing courses for curriculum redesign? Or do we just need to develop new courses?
National Educational Leadership Preparation Standards (NELP) CAEP consequential (Draft, May 2016) Building/District distinctives Refresh of the ELCC 2011 How do we align 7 standards with the 10 standards in the PELS 2015? NELP nuances human resources & adds Internship/Clinical Practice
Preparing Future Leaders for Inclusive Schools Focusing on the "each student" language of the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) document? How do programs incorporate the refresh with project strategies, online resource development, and curriculum redesign? How do programs incorporate cross-program expertise to develop course modules, enhance instructional strategies, with a general education/special education perspective? Instructional focus What key simulations/scenarios could emphasize an inclusive school climate and culture?
The Oregon Context Existing Conditions Collaboration among programs 7 universities (2 public / 5 private) Includes OR Principal’s Association ORPEA’s seat at OR policy table Principal Preparation refresh Goal for new rules in 2017-18 Integrate PELS and NELP standards An educational leader “integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student” by …
The Oregon Plan OR joins CEEDAR’s 2015 Cohort Intensive Technical Assistance - ODE Administrator License Redesign Sep/Oct 2015 – Conference Calls Focused Leadership/Clinical Practice New courses for Preliminary Admin Dec 2015/Jan 2016 (ESSA signed) Shift to embedded modules - hybrid
CEEDAR Resources Teacher/Leader Preparation Course Enhancement Modules Course Enhancement Modules Innovation Configuration
The Oregon Plan Pilot module development SU17 Portland St-GFU / COSA-UOregon Use foundational CEEDAR tools Course Enhancement Module (CEM) Innovation Configuration model Implement modules PreAL FA17 Behavior / Discipline – FAPE Network / Transition – LRE Evaluate for Professional AL
Emphasize the Fundamentals Zero Reject Free & Appropriate Education Least Restrictive Environment Due Process Non-discriminatory Assessment & Evaluation Collaborative Decision-making among Families & Professionals
Facilitated Conversation Find a Facilitator next to chart paper … Talk and reflect about the idea that is on the chart paper Add any comments on the paper on a sticky … then Find another Facilitator (group) Use this essential question: How do we move from specifics to big picture to implementation? An educational leader “integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student” by …
Essential Reflections What are your reflections on our ideas about interagency collaboration in the context of your specific organization? How do you help move your organization from specifics to big picture to implementation?
Walk Away #1 Knowledge: How is Oregon preparing future principals to meet the needs of each student (with disabilities & struggles) in effective inclusive schools?
Walk Away #2 Knowledge: What CEEDAR resources may be accessed by each program to support principal preparation?
Walk Away #3 Ideas for Application: How do we engage with partners outside of us to refresh the future of principal preparation?
Connection Activity Silent connection w/ self (5 mins) Now that you just learned what you know now … how could interagency collaboration best be accomplished within your context? Network to connect w/ others (5 mins) Who, when, how to follow up with 1-2 colleagues about refreshing leader prep for effective inclusive schools An educational leader “integrates principles of cultural competency and equitable practice and promotes the success of every student” by …
References Billingsley, B. S., McLeskey, J., & Crockett, J. B. (2014, August). Principal leadership: Moving toward inclusive and high-achieving schools for students with disabilities (CEEDAR Document No. IC-8). Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: Council of Chief State School Officers. (2015). Promoting Principal Leadership for the Success of Students with Disabilities. In Promises to Keep: Transforming Educator Preparation to Better Serve a Diverse Range of Learners. Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from the CCSSO website: Leadership for Students with Disabilities (2016). CEEDAR Course Enhancement Module. Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2016). Draft National Educational Leadership Preparation Standards. Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from the NPBEA website: National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2015). Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from the CCSSO website:
Contact Information Rae Ann Ray, Oregon DOE Marc Shelton, George Fox U.