2016 toyota prius super bowl package August 2015
Camry’s 2015 ACCELERATOR made a BOLD statement surrounding the Big Game Increased Camry’s share of traffic on KBB.com by over 10%1 Drove over 63k shoppers to Toyota.com2 Surpassed benchmarks with a 1.08% engagement rate3 Boosted association with campaign messaging by 4.4% and purchase consideration by 6%4 KBB.com Omniture (Mobile excluded). Increase was WoW. Doubleclick, 1/28/2015 – 2/15/2015 Doubleclick: 1/28/15 – 2/3/15. Benchmark was 0.59% based on 2013-2014 Accelerator advertisers Insight Express. Base is normative averages.
Big Splash for the Big Game – 2016 ACCERLATOR Desktop Home Page Takeover New Shoppers Home Page Model Path Video Billboard Owners Home Page Tablet Mobile Editorial Boost* It lives on the desktop encompassing the HP takeover The new Shoppers Homepage New Car Model category page ROS units It also lives on the tablet with the tablet pushdown And mobile With the new mobile HP takeover ad Tablet Home Page Mobile Home Page Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production. *Subject to final editorial decision.
HOME PAGE TAKEOVER Immediately capture the buzz generated by Prius’ Super Bowl spot Takeover featuring auto-initiated pushdown that collapses into a large, video-enabled billboard unit Also includes MREC and wallpaper All elements built in HTML5 Greet shoppers coming to KBB.com to research Super Bowl ad vehicles Create excitement for the new Prius with video and stunning visuals Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
HOME PAGE TAKEOVER Immediately capture the buzz generated by Prius’ Super Bowl spot Auto-initiated pushdown Unit collapses into a large rich media billboard Multiple video options CTAs click out to Toyota.com 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 4 Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
SHOPPERS HOME PAGE SPONSORSHIP Continue generating awareness at a popular starting point for shoppers Extension of Home Page Takeover to the Shoppers Home Page Large billboard with video MREC and wallpaper All elements built in HTML5 Build Prius’ influence as shoppers move forward with the research process Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
MODEL PATH VIDEO BILLBOARD Enhance the research and pricing processes specifically for Prius shoppers Retention upgrade featuring extra-large billboard with video player Includes link out to Toyota.com Give Prius shoppers an immersive brand experience and increase interest in the vehicle
MODEL PATH VIDEO BILLBOARD Enhance the research and pricing processes specifically for Prius shoppers Extra-large billboard remains persistent throughout the path User-initiated, large format video Click out to Toyota.com to explore more 1 1 2 2 3 3 Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
TABLET HOME PAGE TAKEOVER Reach and influence tablet shoppers before and after the big game Larger billboard unit that remains open unless closed by user Enabled for video Built in HTML5 Extend the impact and reach of the desktop takeover to tablet Create excitement for the new Prius among shoppers away from their computers Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
MOBILE MARQUEE Connect with smartphone shoppers as soon as they land on KBB.com mobile Larger HP MMA that launches a full-screen video clip encouraging shoppers to learn more Branded copy/CTA overlay clicks to Toyota.com Extend the impact and reach of the desktop takeover to smartphones Leverage video assets to entice shoppers to explore the new Prius Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
OWNERS HOME PAGE SPONSORSHIP Continue generating awareness at the start of trade-in research Extension of Home Page Takeover to the Owners Home Page Billboard (standard IAB), MREC and wallpaper All elements built in HTML5 Grab the attention of owners who may be taking the first step in the car shopping process Mocks are concept only. Actual design and layout of product is subject to change upon production.
Editorial Boost – “Class of 2016: New Cars Ready to Roll” Elevate Prius among New Car researchers KBB.com’s New Car “Class of” articles are among the most popular among users Potential opportunity for Prius to be the main vehicle image in promotion and at the top of the article page* Promotion includes KBB.com Home Page Rotating Content Module, one of the site’s biggest traffic drivers Historically, models featured in the “Class of” header photo experience lifts in model page traffic *Subject to final editorial decision
KBB.com Campaign Recap & Insight Express Study Comprehensive analysis by KBB.com Analytics & Insight Express included
Prius campaign extension 2016 Best Green Cars Sponsorship
“Best Green Cars” Sponsorship Capitalize on the buzz created by Prius’ potential placement on the list Exclusive sponsorship of banners in hybrid- related content and opportunities for placements in KBB.com’s “Best Green Cars” PR/marketing Sponsored content includes “10 Best Green Cars of 2016”* “Best Green Cars” promotional elements may include Prius as the example vehicle in** Satellite Media Tour (April) On-site promotion (Traffic drivers) Social media postings Press release *List subject to change and contingent on Prius qualifying **Subject to final editorial and marketing decisions