Modern America
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela
Modern America Year long 10th grade course, designed to help students examine, analyze, and understand key concepts, topics, and cultural touch points in America’s modern history. Course will begin with the Cold War and continue through modern times. We will examine topics from economic, political, and cultural aspects.
Concepts covered The Cold War Begins – Ch. 13 Postwar America – Ch. 14 The New Frontier and the Great Society – Ch. 15 The Civil Rights Movement – Ch. 16 The Vietnam War – Ch. 17 The Politics of Protest – Ch. 18 Politics and Economics – Ch. 19 The Resurgence of Conservatism – Ch. 20 A Time of Change – Ch. 21 America’s Challenges for a New Century – Ch. 22
Grading Tests 50% Homework 5% Quizzes 15% Performance Assessment 30% Mid-term and Final Exam
Expectations Homework – online readings and notetaking, guided reading questions, or short answer Bell ringers at the beginning of each class (keep this in your notebook) Excerpts from various novels, books, magazines, movies, music, and t.v. shows Group work/Projects Tests and quizzes I hope we have a wonderful year together!
Mrs. Guscott 867-7600 x4224 Web page for calendar of assignments, worksheets, etc.