Adam Little Catharine Reeder “Excel” with Data Adam Little Catharine Reeder
Charts A simple chart in Excel can say more than a sheet full of number Chart types: line, column, pie, bar, area, scatter, trendline, sparkline, etc.
Charts (cont.) Insert Charts Line or Area Chart Line with Markers
Charts (cont.) Changing Chart Type Switch Row/Column Click on Chart Design Type Change Chart Type Click Column OK Switch Row/Column Click on Chart Design Data Switch Row/Column
PivotTable Bill Jelen (a.k.a. Mr. Excel) Powerful Fun No other tool in Excel gives you the flexibility and analytical power of a pivot table. Powerful Fun
PivotTable (cont.) Important rules “PivotTable data” worksheet Data organized into columns with headings No empty columns or rows Consistent data (dates in date column, numbers in number column) “PivotTable data” worksheet Insert PivotTable
PivotTable (cont.) Designing Your Pivot Table Select PivotTable Field Drag the selected fields into appropriate area Filters Columns Rows Values
PivotTable (cont.) Rows: Date, Salesperson Column: Item Values: Quanity
PivotTable (cont.) Updating PivotTable Delete line 694-723 On Sheet 2 Analyze Data Change Data Source Analyze Data Refresh
PivotTable (cont.) Who had the most amount of sales? Who sold the least amount of Washing machines? Which item made the most amount of money? 1: Maryanne 2: Leila 3: Refrigerator
Advanced Formulas VLOOKUP(1,2,3,[4]) Value you want to search for, in the first column of supplied data The data table reference Column number of the return value TRUE/FALSE: optional logical argument TRUE: if system cannot find an exact match, it finds the closest match below the supplied value FALSE: if system cannot find an exact match, it returns an error The lookup values MUST be in alphabetical/numerical order
Advanced Formulas (cont.) VLOOKUP (cont.) Select VLOOKUP sheet C2 enter =VLOOKUP(B2,$K$2:$M$6,3,TRUE) $: mean the column/row in absolute AutoFill down
Advanced Formulas (cont.) DATEDIF(1,2,3) Starting Date Ending Date Unit you want returned “Y”: Years “M”: Months “D”: Days Not part of the original Excel programming, no help text
Protect Encrypt an Excel file with a password so that it requires a password to open it The workbook structure, users cannot insert, delete, rename, move, copy, hide or unhide worksheets anymore Lock cells in Excel if you want to protect cells from being edited
Protect (cont.) Protect Workbook Protect Sheet Review Changes Protect Workbook Enter Password Protect Sheet Review Changes Protect Sheet Enter Password
Protect – Lock Cells (cont.) Default – Locked Select cells to unlock Right click Format Cells Protection tab Uncheck ‘Locked’
Protect – Read-only Workbook (cont.) Save As Tools General Options Enter passwords