U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program For NOLES 2017 Sri Lanka DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. UNCLASSIFIED 1
U.S. Department of Defense Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Program UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Defense Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Program Established in 1996 with the U.S. Marine Corps designated the U.S. Military Lead Proponent for NLW U.S. Marine Corps established the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) serves as the day to day managing office - coordinates with all U.S. Military, and other U.S. Federal Government agencies with regards to NLW JNLWD has finances and managing responsibilities for developing new U.S. Military NLW - then transitions to Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps for Procurement and Sustainment UNCLASSIFIED
Non-Lethal Weapons Use in U.S. Military Operations 1996 - 2001 UNCLASSIFIED Somalia Bosnia and Kosovo Haiti “the Normal” UNCLASSIFIED
Reverting Back to the “New Normal” Counter Personnel/ Vessel Stopping Non-Lethal Weapons Use in U.S. Military Operations 2001 - now UNCLASSIFIED Afghanistan and Iraq Reverting Back to the “New Normal” Counter Personnel/ Vessel Stopping UNCLASSIFIED
to support U.S. Civil Law Enforcement Non-Lethal Weapons Use in U.S. Military Operations UNCLASSIFIED Los Angeles California Riots 1992 Kent State Ohio 1970 And when called upon… to support U.S. Civil Law Enforcement UNCLASSIFIED
U.S. Department of Defense UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Defense NLW Definition Weapons, devices and munitions that are explicitly designed and primarily employed to incapacitate personnel or material immediately, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel, and undesired damage to property and the environment. Non-lethal weapons are intended to have reversible effects on personnel or materiel. Middle Picture: U.S. Marines from India Battery, 3rd Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment, hold back civilians during the riot control portion of a noncombatant evacuation operation exercise at Camp Pendleton, Calif., Jan. 22, 2008. Marines with 3rd Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment provide security and process combatants during the exercise, which is designed to prepare the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit for an upcoming deployment. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Kevin N. McCall) (Released) UNCLASSIFIED
Escalation of Force (EOF) / Force Continuum UNCLASSIFIED Escalation of Force (EOF) / Force Continuum Escalation of Force. Defined as sequential actions that begin with nonlethal force measures (visual signals to include flags, spotlights, lasers, and pyrotechnics) and may graduate to lethal measures (direct action) to include warning, disabling, or deadly shots to defeat a threat and protect the force. Force Continuum. The wide range of possible actions, ranging from voice commands to application of deadly force, that may be used to gain and maintain control of a potentially dangerous situation. UNCLASSIFIED
EOF/Force Continuum - Civilian Interaction UNCLASSIFIED EOF/Force Continuum - Civilian Interaction Warn Impede Disorient Distract Engage Concept: “What is their Intent?” UNCLASSIFIED
EOF/Force Continuum - Military, defensive UNCLASSIFIED EOF/Force Continuum - Military, defensive Warn Impede Disorient Distract Engage Inherent right to self-defense UNCLASSIFIED
EOF/Force Continuum - Maritime Domain UNCLASSIFIED EOF/Force Continuum - Maritime Domain Warn Impede Disorient Distract Engage Distance and Time UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED When ends are confused and conflicting, [and] there is not yet a clearly defined problem to solve, it is through the process of framing the complex situation that we may organize and clarify both the ends and possible means to achieve them ROE are issued by competent authorities and assist in the delineation of the circumstances and limitations within which military forces may be employed to achieve their objectives. end ways means UNCLASSIFIED
SANREMO HANDBOOK ON RULES OF ENGAGEMENT UNCLASSIFIED Rules of Engagement SANREMO HANDBOOK ON RULES OF ENGAGEMENT ROE are issued by competent authorities and assist in the delineation of the circumstances and limitations within which military forces may be employed to achieve their objectives. Categories - Individual self-defence Unit self-defence Protection of Others National self-defence The use of force is generally authorised so long as the hostile act or hostile intent continues. The use of force must be proportional, which means that the nature, duration, and scope of force used should not exceed what is required. UNCLASSIFIED
Warning / Disabling using Lethal Weapons UNCLASSIFIED Warning / Disabling using Lethal Weapons Unique perspective within U.S. “Warning Shots” - Used, then Prohibited in Afghanistan (civilian casualties mitigation) “Disabling Fire” - U.S. Coast Guard against Go Fast boats (disable propulsion) “Shoot to Kill” - U.S. Law Enforcement protocol “Warning Shot” - not authorized within most U.S. States’ National Guard forces Lethal Weapons used as NLW? UNCLASSIFIED
U.S. Military Focus of NLW Capability UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Military Focus of NLW Capability Counter-personnel Deny Access to Individuals Move Individuals Disable individuals Suppress Individuals Counter-materiel Stop, Disable Vehicles Stop, Disable Vessels Divert Aircraft (air) Deny Access to Facility Electromagnetic Acoustic Unique Systems Mechanical Small Arms Oleoresin Capsicum UNCLASSIFIED
U.S. Military Focus of NLW Future Capability UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Military Focus of NLW Future Capability Counter-Personnel Counter-Materiel UNCLASSIFIED Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is unlimited 16 16
What you will see at the FTX UNCLASSIFIED What you will see at the FTX Vehicle Lightweight Arresting Device TASER Portable Vehicle Arresting Barrier X-26 TASER Acoustic Hailing Devices Crowd Control UNCLASSIFIED
BREAK DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. UNCLASSIFIED