Spectrum Review and EFIS


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Presentation transcript:

Spectrum Review and EFIS ECO Bilateral web-meeting 2 November - BIS ECC SG(TT(024

Observation Most interesting document containing a lot of information concerning existing spectrum usage and expected future usage are not yet in EFIS, such as ETSI SRDocs (doc type1), questionnaire summaries incl. assessments, dedicated frequency band reviews, ECO Reports (doc type 2), AND NATIONAL INVENTORY (non-regulatory) INFORMATION (doc type 3). Such documents are available either in our own documentation database or ETSI’s documentation database or can be included in EFIS (either directly by uploading or by using the link such as ETSI standards’ link in ECA. Upload of information is done by ECO (Doc type 1 and 2) or directly by the administration (doc type 3). (TASK3 in French Input)

Proposals I (NOW) A solution can be to add several new document types for frequency inventory information and enable search after application and/or frequency band. First assumption: 3 types: 1) ETSI, 2) ECC/ECO, 3) National. These INFORMATIVE documents are linked to the ECA account (after ECA is in EFIS now) and downloaded . This is a natural further development after the ECA merger into the EFIS DB. To develop a common form / data structure for all radio applications seems very inefficient/difficult and will lead to a big, lengthy, difficult to fill-in form. That’s why uploading documents (which are linked to ECA applications) is proposed as the right and initial way).

Proposal I (NOW) An additional web-page in EFIS can provide also guidance to support searches on evolution of spectrum use (need for an ”evolution search/ECA portal”) in EFIS, also because the current front page with allocations, applications, radio interfaces and rights of use is fully occupying the space and of regulatory nature (solution is a button to shift to ECA/Inventory Information). Development of new mask for uploading the National non-regulatory documents. Preparations in Test System. Shift to Live-EFIS only after it will be agreed by WGFM.

Proposal I (NOW) Guidance, incl. structuring of the information for uploading National non-regulatory Information on the evolution of spectrum use can be given in the new ECC Report which is under development in EFIS/MG. The bands of interest for which National non-regulatory Information is requested by WGFM can be updated on demand. The software however is more flexible and allows to upload information also on other bands if available and on a voluntary, best effort basis.

Proposal III (NOW) The aforementioned points were actually raised during the last EFIS/MG meeting by the ECO. Since the EFIS/ECA merger is completed by YE 2011, this new software feature can be implemented in the 1H2012 in the EFIS DB and also taken into account for the new ECC Report on guidance which is scheduled for approval for consultation in April 2012. This is possible within the proposed 2012 budget for EFIS and the proposed timeframe. EFIS/MG has one sheduled physical meeting and ECO would also call for additional electronic meetings to discuss all details with the EFIS DB experts. ECC needs to task WGFM / EFIS/MG to develop a solution to include informative documents linked to the ECA on the current and future use of spectrum in the EFIS database and to give guidance in the new ECC Report under development to administrations.

Proposals (III)- Later National databases contain information in some cases in much higher detail and granularity. We should discuss in EFIS/MG how to strengthen the link between national databases and EFIS. Include links to National databases in EFIS. Need for an English language section for some information in an National database. Further Evolution of EFIS portal on inventory information, also after EC clearly indicates their precise needs regarding the structure and content of the information. National administrations may have additional information of a non-regulatory nature on the possible evolution of spectrum use under study in their country. ECO should encourage these administrations to upload such an information in EFIS + (in English language).

Role of the ECC Apart from the discussion on EFIS+, there is need for the ECC to discuss: the applications which need additional spectrum; the bands for consideration in the process and the related information needed; how to analyze the information.