Circadian Genes, Stress Axis and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder PI: Dipak K. Sarkar
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Hypothesis Chronic alcohol drinking produces epigenetic marks on PER2 and POMC genes to manifest stress disorders and hence methylation changes in PER2 and POMC genes in alcoholic women could potentially identify the birth outcome of their FASD child.
FAS and fetal alcohol exposed children show persistent hypermethylation of POMC gene Study using salivary DNA and MSP Collaborative work with Drs. Tatiana Foroud, Omkaram Gangisetty, and CIFASD
Fetal alcohol causes hypermethylation of CpG islands at the POMC promoter Study using salivary DNA and pyrosequencing Collaborative work with Drs. Tatiana Foroud, Lourdes Serrano, Omkaram Gangisetty, and CIFASD
FAS and fetal alcohol exposed children show persistent hypermethylation of PER2 gene Study using salivary DNA and MSP Collaborative work with Drs. Tatiana Foroud, Omkaram Gangisetty and CIFASD
Mother smoking habits do not influence fetal alcohol increased methylation of POMC and PER2 genes Study using salivary DNA and MSP Collaborative work with Drs. Tatiana Foroud, Omkaram Gangisetty and CIFASD
FAS and fetal alcohol exposed children with or without nicotine exposures show no changes in PER1 gene methylation Study using salivary DNA and MSP Collaborative work with Drs. Tatiana Foroud, Omkaram Gangisetty and CIFASD
Increased POMC gene methylation is assoicated with reduced POMC expression in alcoholic patients Study using blood DNA, RNA, MSP and RT-PCR Collaborative work with Drs. Rajita Sinha and Omkaram Gangisetty
Increased hypermethylation of CpG islands at the POMC promoter is also observed in alcoholic patients Study using blood DNA and pyrosequencing Collaborative work with Drs. Rajita Sinha and Omkaram Gangisetty
Increased PER2 gene methylation is assoicated with reduced PER2 expression in alcoholic patients Study using blood DNA, RNA, MSP and RT-PCR Collaborative work with Drs. Rajita Sinha and Omkaram Gangisetty
Increased POMC and PER2 gene methylation are assoicated with reduced POMC and PER2 expression in animal model of FASD Study using hypothalamic DNA and RNA Collaborative work with Dr. Demitry Govorko
Fetal alcohol exposed children show increased basal beta-endorphin levels Study using saliva and ELISA Collaborative work with Drs. Jeffrey Wozniak, Kristina Urban, Elizabeth Sowell, and Shaima Jabar, and CIFASD
Fetal alcohol exposed children show increased basal cortisol levels Study using saliva and ELISA Collaborative work with Drs. Jeffrey Wozniak, Kristina Urban, Elizabeth Sowell, and Shaima Jabar, and CIFASD
A positive correlation exists between PER2 gene methylation and cortisol in alcoholic patients Study using blood DNA and plasma Collaborative work with Drs. Rajita Sinha and Omkaram Gangisetty
Reduced POMC and PER2 expression is associated with increased basal corticosterone and corticosterone response to stress in animal model of FASD Study using hypothalamic DNA and RNA Collaborative work with Dr. Maria Agapito and Ryan Logan
Choline supplementation prevented alcohol epigenetic marks on POMC gene and stress axis in animal model of FASD Study using hypothalamic DNA, RNA and plasma Bekdash et al., ACER 2014
Choline supplementation may have beneficial effects in suppressing alcohol epigenetic marks on POMC gene in FAS patients Study using PBMC and MPR Collaborative work with Drs. Jeffrey Wozniak and Omkaram Gangisetty
Choline supplementation may have beneficial effects in suppressing alcohol epigenetic marks on PER2 gene in FAS patients Study using PBMC and MPR Collaborative work with Drs. Jeffrey Wozniak and Omkaram Gangisetty
Summary and Conclusions 1. Chronic alcohol consumptions epigenetically modify PER2 and POMC genes to suppress the expression of these genes leading to stress hyper-responsiveness and anxiety-like behaviors. 2. Alcohol epigenetic marks on PER2 and POMC genes and the stress axis may transmit to offspring and thereby measuring there levels in biological fluids of alcoholic pregnant women could potentially identify the birth outcome of FASD child. 3. Choline supplementation can reverse some of these epigenetic marks and thereby may have beneficial effects on stress control mechanism in FASD patients.
A. Drinkers with FAS child B: Drinkers with unaffected child Ongoing projects 1. Measuring PER2 and POMC methylation levels in three group of patient blood DNA samples: A. Drinkers with FAS child B: Drinkers with unaffected child C: Non drinkers 2. Measuring PER2 proteins profiles in salivary samples of FAS and control children 3. Writing a manuscript for publication
Future goals Establish collaboration with CIFASD investigators to submit a grant proposal to determine: 1. FASD signature marks on epigenome in both FAS/non-FAS children and mothers (blood, saliva or cord blood) who gave birth to FAS/non-FAS children using MeDIP and bisulfite sequencing (problem of alignment accuracy to repetitive regions in the genome will result in less accurate analysis of methylation in those regions). Study whether the epimutations is common between mother and children using pyrosequencing assays at single nucleotide resolution. 2. Identify the biological pathways (ChIP sequencing and RNA sequencing) affected in FAS from pathway analysis and correlate them with behavioral (e.g., hyperactivity disorders) and health outcomes (e.g., immune health). 3. Whether epigenetic modifiers have any beneficial effects in prevention of behavioral and health abnormalities in FASD patients?