September 16, 2011 Day 2 “Only Playing the Best” Conventions Do you notice any odd uses of sentence punctuation in Paragraph 1? What happens when a writer uses too many exclamation points? Do you know what a gimmick is? Take out the extra exclamation points. Does making this change diminish your understanding of the excitement the character is feeling? Explain. A strategy designed to attract attention
Student Goals Define vocabulary appropriate to the theme of literary selections. Interpret connotative meanings of vocabulary terms. Demonstrate knowledge of how words function in a complete sentence. Utilize the newly acquired vocabulary terms to make predictions about the stories we will read. Mr. Finger will be visiting us to discuss HSA requirements and PSAT.
“Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” by Jack Finney “The Leap” by Louise Erdrich
Risky Vocabulary Deleterious Incognito Dilemma Ironic Epiphany Metamorphosis Precarious Foolhardy
Group Roles Tech Specialist Historian Seeker Overseer Group Role/Job Responsibilities Tech Specialist Use the computer appropriately. Set and complete goals. Historian Writing down all required information including everything on the concept web Seeker Using the dictionary to locate accurate definitions and parts of speech Overseer Making sure all directions are being followed and all work is accurate and clear
Phase 1 Define and identify the part of speech for the theme term using the dictionary Web from theme term with known synonyms and antonyms Using a dictionary, other resources, and, make sure the concept web has at least 15 synonyms/antonyms. Definitions should be in the group’s own words!
safety menacingly peril risk Jeopardy hazardous surety danger
Phase 2 Select and number the 8 most difficult words from the concept web. Use a dictionary and to define and identify the part of speech for each of the words. Determine the connotative meaning of each word. Label it positive, negative, or neutral.
1. Menacingly – (adverb) meanly or with negative intentions 2. Peril – (noun) danger or doom 3. Hazardous-(adjective) dangerous and unhealthy 4. Risk-(noun) a calculated chance that may not result in success 5. Surety – (noun) to be certain
Phase 3 On the back of the web, write an original, complete sentence for 4 of the 8 words you selected. Everyone is responsible for a sentence! Use color to identify the word you chose. Include context to help a reader understand the meaning of the new word.
1. The criminal glared menacingly at the prosecution when the jury’s decision to condemn him to death was read aloud at the murder trial. 2. Smoking is irrefutably hazardous to one’s health, so officials strongly discourage teens from engaging in this risky behavior.
Phase 4 Be prepared to share the vocabulary terms you have defined. Be prepared to share the original sentences you composed.
Full Credit The web contains more than 14 valid synonym/antonym branches. All required words are labeled for part of speech and correctly defined in your own words. All required words have been correctly labeled for connotative meaning. There are three or more context-rich, original sentences. The group worked productively the entire class period. The group used technology to include information not readily available in a classroom dictionary.
Extension Create a mini-poster for one of the most difficult or challenging vocabulary terms from the activity Be sure to include the word, a simple accurate definition, the correct part of speech, an illustration, and any other important information about the word (such as word parts, origin, or other forms of the word)
Homework Complete Extension activity and turn in on Monday, Sept. 19. Week 3, Countdown for Testing, due Mon., Sept. 19.