*Thesaurus *Lexical and Semantic Fields *Denotation and Connotation *Semantic Differential
Thesaurus vs. dictionary Definition The purposes of thesaurus
Main Entry: faith [feyth] Show IPA/feɪθ/ Show Spelled Part of Speech: noun Definition: trust in something Synonyms: acceptance, allegiance, assent, assurance, belief, certainty, certitude, confidence, constancy, conviction, credence, credit, credulity, dependence, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, hope, loyalty, reliance, stock, store, sureness, surety, troth, truth, truthfulness Antonyms: disbelief, distrust, doubt, misgiving, skepticism, suspicion
Phonological characteristics Lexical or semantic field links words to words in terms of Phonological characteristics Meaning postulates Synonymy Hyponymy antonymy Syntactic occurrence (collocation) Semantic field vs. lexical field
the way in which some words are often used together, or a particular Collocation the way in which some words are often used together, or a particular combination of words Examples: to feel free to save time to find a replacement to make progress to do the washing up
refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨ Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨
Connotation The emotional implications and associations that a word may carry, in contrast to its denotative meanings.
Semantic differential The semantic differential is a scale used for measuring the meaning of things and concepts. There are two aspects of meaning: denotative and connotative. The semantic differential measures connotative meaning. It expresses three factors or dimensions: evaluation, potency and activity) )
1-Evaluation (good-bad, positive-negative, pleasant-unpleasant, worthless-valuable, dirty-clean) 2-Potency (strong-weak, heavy-light, hard-soft, simple-complex, submissive-assertive, difficult-easy) 3-Activity (active-passive, excitable-calm, fast-slow, relaxed-tense, dim-bright, quiet-noisy)
____:____:____:____:____:____:____ Lion Strong ____:____:____:____:____:____:____ Weak beautiful ugly Good Bad safe dangerous fast slow Industrious lazy