careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
immoral, corrupt dissolute
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
to make shorter abridge
dishearten, discourage daunt
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
to make easier, to assist facilitate
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
dogged, persistent tenacious
make amends for atone
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
absorb fully; blend in assimilate
very important momentous
cranky, grouchy surly
reserve, accessory, aid auxiliary
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
causing sorrow or pain, painful grievous
additional, back-up auxiliary
To make susceptible or liable predispose
immoral, corrupt dissolute
an opening; to break through BREACH
to make shorter abridge
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
to make easier, to assist facilitate
dishearten, discourage daunt
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
dogged, persistent tenacious
make amends for atone
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
very important momentous
absorb fully; blend in assimilate
cranky, grouchy surly
reserve, accessory, aid auxiliary
To make susceptible or liable predispose
additional, back-up auxiliary
an opening; to break through BREACH
causing sorrow or pain, painful grievous
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
immoral, corrupt dissolute
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
to make shorter abridge
dishearten, discourage daunt
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
to make easier, to assist facilitate
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
dogged, persistent tenacious
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
make amends for atone
absorb fully; blend in assimilate
very important momentous
cranky, grouchy surly
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
reserve, accessory, aid auxiliary
causing sorrow or pain, painful grievous
additional, back-up auxiliary
To make susceptible or liable predispose
an opening; to break through BREACH
immoral, corrupt dissolute
to make shorter abridge
to make easier, to assist facilitate
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
dishearten, discourage daunt
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
dogged, persistent tenacious
make amends for atone
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
very important momentous
absorb fully; blend in assimilate
cranky, grouchy surly
reserve, accessory, aid auxiliary
To make susceptible or liable predispose
causing sorrow or pain, painful grievous
additional, back-up auxiliary