Belva Lockwood’s Journey! Power point by: Lulu Croissant
Basic Background Information! Born October 24th 1830-Royalton new York Parents Hannah &Lewis Bennett Went to school until age 14, got recognized for a teaching job, Followed dreams and went to a college law school.
Basic Information Continued: teaching job at a schoolhouse at age 15. Preferred/enjoyed men’s work outdoors, rather than cleaning, cooking and sewing indoors interested in the law, and newspaper articles. Died in 1917
Accomplishments: followed dream to go to college &be successful. followed dream to go to college &be successful. inspiration to young people because it can show them to follow their dreams and be as brave as her. first woman to present a case in front of the u.s. supreme court and won case for Cherokee people. first woman to have a dream to be involved with the law, & have it come true.
Qualities: brave, courageous , never gave up. When somebody she loved lowered her self esteem, boosted it back up again because of passion for law & education. believer in miracles, and that is what drove her to her success. never the kind of person who wanted to fit in with everybody else. Uniqueness was her goal! When she was young, tried to walk on water. Though attempt failed, never gave up on trying to do the impossible.
inspirational information: Had a lot of pressure on her . Most women required to practically be slaves to husbands. Still followed through with college dream to master the law. Goal was to be successful to create good life for herself & daughter Lura. Applying was risky because if she failed because of her gender, both would have nowhere to turn. Put aside dangers and risked it all. Succeeded and got into law school. soon after, an inspiration to many young American women.
The End!!!!!! Thanks for watching!!! I hope you liked it!!!!!! (=