Diocesan Synod 12 November 2016 Review of 2015/16 The Diocesan Secretary
Diocesan Vision Serve our Communities Share our faith with great joy and gladness Be the Church; a people with hearts on fire, loving God, walking with Jesus and led by the Spirit. For carl hughes
What we are here for: Lead, Enable, & Serve To serve, support, lead, and enable the mission of God as it is worked out in the parishes, deaneries, schools and communities of the Diocese of Southwark. For 2015/16 review presentation RM
Strategic Objectives (1) To grow weekly attendance by 5% by 2025. Increase no. of worshipping communities, focussing on areas of population growth with Fresh Expressions as the tool and greater representation the goal. Grow the financial resource base by 2020: an annual surplus, working reserves of 6 months operating costs, and 1% of turnover dedicated to major ministry and mission projects in 2016 rising to 2% in 2020. For 2015/2016 review RM
Strategic Objectives (2) We aim also to deliver throughout the Diocese inspiring training, which will build up communities that reflect, support and celebrate the rich diversity of the Diocese, and live out our commitment to evangelism and faithful discipleship; and to deliver church growth through the whole range of traditional and fresh expressions of Church, which seek to be pioneering and creative as we proclaim the Gospel in our diverse contexts. To grow leadership and wider representation reflecting the full diversity of the Diocese, including ethnicity, age, education, socio-economic circumstances and tradition. The vocations objective has been rewritten and will need updating-for 2015/2016 review
The Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion ACC-6 1984; ACC-8 1990 To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom To teach, baptise and nurture new believers To respond to human need by loving service To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth For 2015/2016 review
Medium term 5yr Financial Objectives agreed in 2015 To achieve a break-even budget on management accounts (integrated as far as possible with statutory accounts) by the end of 2018 – 2014 deficit then £1.5m excluding depreciation. Achieved in 2015. To provide for explicit investment in Ministry, Mission, Evangelism as well as close management of costs every year. For 2015/2016 review RM
Strategic Priorities from Strategy for Ministry Mission and growth of the kingdom of God at the heart of all we do Visibly increased diversity in every part of diocesan life New opportunities for lay ministry Deaneries becoming viable centres for mission and ministry Accountability and communication demonstrated through increased sense of engagement from parishes with Diocesan central structures 2015/2016 review RM
Review of 2016 (1) Implement PSF allowing for up to 5% change +\- by preparing 3 budgets, one optimistic, one pessimistic and one assuming current parish income up by 2%. Implement new budget model that addresses Audit Committee concerns and aligns with SOFA for clarity. Implement Fit For Purpose across all governance/committees as per final outcome of consultation. Undertake an IT audit. Now due for 2017 Implement agreed outcomes for ‘World in a Diocese’ and measure success. In progress RM review 2015/2016
Review of 2016 (2) Consider and develop Diocesan public policy positioning and resources. Undertake a property audit. High level audit completed with a detailed audit for 2017 Launch a new vision for Wychcroft and resource it. In progress Launch a redesigned website and new communications strategy aimed at closer links with Deaneries and parishes. In progress. to cover in RM review of 2015/2016
Review of 2016 (3) Review opportunities to work more closely with SDBE schools. Launch online DBS. Launch first phase of integrated database project. Now 2017. Launch on-line faculty system. Launch new approach to capital projects planning which is ministry and mission driven. to cover as part of 2015/2016 review
Growth Opportunities Mayor of London’s opportunity areas : Southwark Diocese has 11 of these major areas: Nine Elms, Greenwich and Croydon Central . Mayor of London also has 3 ‘intensification’ areas in Diocese of Southwark Using Church Commissioner’s funding for replicable projects, matched funding New forms of Ministry Ruth Martin
Vauxhall, Battersea, Nine Elms & Fresh Expressions Church Commissioners development funding grant. Awarded £993,000 over 5 years. Match funded by Diocese Grant for 2017 £205,000. Grant has two strands Nine Elms and Fresh Expressions (FX) Vauxhall, Battersea, Nine Elms and Fresh Expressions– 3 new posts: Dean of emerging Communities, Pioneer Minister, Research Assistant (£189,000) plus training, leadership and communications (£46,000) FX – One new post: Dean of FX plus FX grants (£178,000) Ruth Martin