Deanery Mission Plans Bath Deanery Bishop Ruth 11th October 2017
Expectations of the evening Community Conversations – what did we learn? Reflecting on the deanery mission plan Highlights Challenges Resources Next steps
Community Conversations – what did we learn?
How did you first hear the story of Jesus? 45% Family Interpretations Faith story begins pre-adulthood Power of the Gospel narrative Weak on evangelism? Importance of sharing God’s love with children and young people 24% Sunday School 11% School 7% Unsure 46% Family 5% Church 2% Youth event 1% Friend 1% Book
What would you like to ask? How can we balance mission with admin demands? How do we get out into the village? How do we encourage more lay leadership? Where are examples of success stories? How can you help us build and enact our mission? How can we relate to those who never go to church? How to make a lasting impression on those at ‘occasional’ services? How to change without alienating the faithful? How do we grow life of tiny community with static population? How can I gain confidence to speak to others about my faith? How do we increase collaboration? How to pass baton onto next generation?
Living and Telling What help do you need to take the vision forward? Mission and growth Young people Rural churches Living and Telling Leadership in mission Buildings Culture change Confidence 204 specific queries – all followed up Admin
What one thing from today will you communicate to your local church/community? Encouragement to keep telling the story Need to share our faith with others Can we do this kind of workshop? God’s love is for the world – not to be kept to ourselves! Be infectiously joyful and ready to answer “Why?” Jesus is for all – share the story! Practice our own faith stories within the church then beyond Jesus changed lives and calls us to be His agents of change We have a diocese that wants to help, motivate and equip us to tell His story. Hope
Reflecting on Bath’s Deanery Mission Plan
Highlights Reflects the three diocesan strategic priorities Mission and Evangelism at the heart of all we do Realigning our resources for mission Identifying , developing and using the gifts of everyone
Challenges – what have we heard? Diocese Strategic deployment Resource churches? Deanery 4000 disciples Pioneering / Fresh Expressions Parishes Church planting Lay leadership
Resources Deanery Accompaniment Specific Assistance Ministry for Mission team - Lay Ministry Enabler, MEG, Prayer and Spirituality Enabler Education team – GO, Chaplaincy development Archdeaconry team Communication – diocesan website, leaflet
Next steps… A Budget for Mission Strategic Development Funding Diocesan Synod – October 21st Strategic Development Funding 2nd Stage application – November 3rd Reviewing and Resourcing Bishop’s Council – January 13th 2018
…for your deanery?? …for your parish?? …for you??