Bologna Process What does it mean for your institution? Joy Tate Admissions Counselor II Office of Graduate Studies The University of Texas at Arlington
Their objectives were: On June 19,1999, 29 European Ministers in charge of higher education signed the Bologna Declaration with the intent to establish the European Area of Higher Education by 2010 and promoting the European System of higher education world-wide. Their objectives were: Adopt a system of readable and comparable degrees Adopt a system with recognized tiers of higher learning Establish a system of credits Promote mobility by overcoming obstacles Promote European co-operation in quality assurance
Today 45 European Countries 82% implemented tier system Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral 900 Universities Per the Trend V Report
Diploma Supplement The Diploma Supplement provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies successfully completed by the individual. It is issued together with a final diploma or degree.
European Credit Transfer System The ECTS is a credit system based on a definition of what constitutes a full-time academic course load, reflecting the quantity of work each course requires of a student in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study.
Question… What does this mean for the Association of Metroplex International Educators? (AMIE)
Transcript Evaluation This is an ART not a SCIENCE!
Best Practices Start with your institutions mission statement, philosophy, and goals. Define the elements that provide a successful applicant. Apply constantly throughout all programs.
Define the Question Are you looking for degree equivalency? Are we looking for degree comparability? What preparation makes and good graduate school candidate?
Review Current Admission Requirements Degree requirements Minimum GPA Standardized Tests Departmental Requirements
Review Campus Goals Enrollment Partnerships Study Abroad
Which Offices Need to be Involved Who would this affect? Department Advisors Office of International Education
Become an Expert Research
Sources Knowledge Community Recruitment Admissions Bologna Process Network The Impact of Bologna and Three-year Degrees on U.S. Admissions: A Focus on Europe, Australia and the United Kingdom from AACRAO
Look to Colleagues What are your colleagues doing? Do they accept three-year degrees? Do they set prerequisites?
Thank you. Joy Tate Admissions Counselor II Office of Graduate Studies The University of Texas at Arlington 817-272-2628