News – 20 days to submission December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Provide table 4.1 with institute description by Wednesday Provide list of thesis supervisors for each thesis AUTH - Done UNIPI – 70% done, miss some cv description UNISA UCL - Done CEA December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Timeline discussed with Alessia and with Lele (HPC-Leap) – good feedback from both Lele suggests to move M1 as close as possible PhD start so that we have remaining time at the end when PhD to finish spending/closing … Between the sign of agreement (9.2016) and M1 we will work anyhow to: complete paper work for double degree and to public calls and recruit ESR new proposal Mx Month What 1.2016 Submission 6.2016 Evaluation known 9.2016 Sign agreement M1 10.2016 Kick-off meeting - Pisa M5 2.2017 All ESR positions opened / Declare PhD in Italy M9 6.2017 All ESR recruited M11 9.2017 ESRs start / Bootcamp & 1st Annual Meeting - CEA M12 10.2017 Beginning of PhD courses M18 4.2018 BigData handling and analysis for society - UNIPI M21 7.2018 Big Data handling analysis in Particle Physics and Cosmology / 2nd Annual Meeting - UCL M26 12.2018 Workshop on statistics - AUTH M44 6.2020 Conferences on scientific and technological harvest - UNISA M46 8.2020 ESRs end Start December 1st End Nomvember --- > send it for advice ritardi nel recr megli lasciare cosi documenti univ da fare un anno di tempo per decidere quando iniziare December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Mx NEW Month What 1.2016 Submission 6.2016 Evaluation known 9.2016 Sign agreement M1 10.2016 Kick-off meeting - Pisa M5 2.2017 All ESR positions opened / Declare PhD in Italy M7 4.2017 This really depends on how much we manage to get from PO M9 M3 6.2017 All ESR recruited M11 9.2017 ESRs start / Bootcamp & 1st Annual Meeting - CEA M12 10.2017 Beginning of PhD courses M18 4.2018 BigData handling and analysis for society - UNIPI M21 7.2018 Big Data handling analysis in Particle Physics and Cosmology / 2nd Annual Meeting - UCL M26 12.2018 Workshop on statistics - AUTH M44 6.2020 Conferences on scientific and technological harvest - UNISA M46 M40 8.2020 ESRs end Start December 1st End Nomvember --- > send it for advice ritardi nel recr megli lasciare cosi documenti univ da fare un anno di tempo per decidere quando iniziare December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Mx NEW Month What 1.2016 Submission 6.2016 Evaluation known 9.2016 Sign agreement M1 10.2016 Kick-off meeting - Pisa M5 2.2017 All ESR positions opened / Declare PhD in Italy M7 4.2017 This really depends on how much we manage to get from PO M9 M3 6.2017 All ESR recruited M11 9.2017 ESRs start / Bootcamp & 1st Annual Meeting - CEA M12 10.2017 Beginning of PhD courses M18 4.2018 BigData handling and analysis for society - UNIPI M21 7.2018 Big Data handling analysis in Particle Physics and Cosmology / 2nd Annual Meeting - UCL M26 7.2019 BigData conference + Hadoop school – AUTH / 3rd Annual Meeting M44 6.2020 Conferences on scientific and technological harvest / Closing Meeting - UNISA M46 M40 8.2020 ESRs end Start December 1st End Nomvember --- > send it for advice ritardi nel recr megli lasciare cosi documenti univ da fare un anno di tempo per decidere quando iniziare December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Secondments 2 Thales – DataAnalysis – All documentations missing 2 ENEL- Data Analysis – in close contact letter is ready will be given maybe today 2 Semblent - Data Technologies – all done Spark, Cassandra, cluster structure Use of unstructured or semi-unstructured data 2 Transport for London – Data Analysis – letter internships done, tab2/4 missing 2 NCC group Cyber crime company – Data Analysis -letter internships done, tab2/4 missing 1 NetApp, Network performances – Data technologies 2 OpenLab – CERN – Friday told me that he was going to send everything by the evening but I have not received yet, however I think they are about ready TO BE CONFIRMED (we still miss 3) UNICREDIT Computing national Greek company In the ESR projects and Gnatt chart we need to specify which secondments and when – at least this is what is done in HPC-LEAP … this is not easy. I will check with Alessia how much this is strict and will try to have a first pairing. Ideas on criteria ? Logistic ? December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Proposal status Try to have by Monday 28th first complete draft 0. Introduction - Chiara 1pg 1 EXCELLENCE (Total #pgs 6.7) 1.1 Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research program – Stefania/Thomas 3pgs – 1.2 Quality and innovative aspects of the training program - Chiara 2pgs - DONE 1.3 Quality of supervision - Chiara 0.7 pg – December 7th 1.4 Quality of proposed interaction between the participating organizations – Nikos/Tim 1pg – DONE 2 IMPACT Chara/Rosy 0.3pg (Total #pgs 2.6pg) – Friday Dec.11th 2.1 Enhancing the career perspectives and employability of researches and contribution to their skills development - Chara/Rosy - 0.7pg - DONE 2.2 Contribution to structuring doctoral/early-stage research training at the European level .... - Chara/Rosy -1pg - DONE 2.3 Quality of the proposed measures to explain and disseminate project results - Chara/Rosy - 0.3pg – need internships 2.4 Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the project activities to different target audiences - Tim - 0.3 pg – DONE 3 QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Coherence and effectivenes of the work plan - 1.2pg - Chiara . description of each work-page 0.5pg . list of deliverables . list of milestones . list of ESR projects 3.2 Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures - 3.5pgs – Tim 3.3 Appropriateness of the infrastructures of the participating organizations - 0.5pg - Chara 3.4 Competences, experiences and complementarity of the participating organisations and their commitment to the program - 0.8pg - Thomas Send Try to have by Monday 28th first complete draft December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa WP First draft of WP1,WP3 December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
ESR Projects We miss table for MINE (sorry!) and for Jean-Luc’s one December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Status of Letter of Commitments Pisa – letter all ok with office / sent to rettore UNISA – UAUUU ! AUTH – to be done Universite` Paris Saclay/CEA – UAUUU ! UCL – next Tuesday the letter should be signed December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Administrative forms December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa Each of us fill this form I need to clarify who else should be entered here Problem with empty pages sent a mail to support December 21th 2015 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa