Helping Children Cope with Trauma
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3
God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Every 29 seconds a child is born into poverty. Every 67 seconds a baby is born without health insurance. Every 85 seconds a baby is born to a teen mother. God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Help us see all your creation As from you a sacred trust.
God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Every hour and a half a child dies from an accident. Every 3 hours a child or teen dies from a gun. Every 8 hours a child commits suicide. God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Help us see all your creation As from you a sacred trust.
God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Every 47 seconds a child is abused or neglected. Every 5-and-a-half hours a child is killed by abuse or neglect. Every second and a half during the school year a public school student receives an out-of-school suspension. God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Help us see all your creation As from you a sacred trust.
God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Every 8 seconds during the school year a public high school student drops out. Every 30 seconds during the school year a public school student is corporally punished. Every 14 seconds a child is arrested. God of justice, God of mercy, Make us merciful and just! Help us see all your creation As from you a sacred trust.
Fear Depression Withdrawal Anger Regression Odd Signs of Trauma
Young Children Separation Anxiety Extreme Expressions Crying Whimpering Screaming Immobility Excessive Clinging Regressive Behavior Extreme Expressions Young Children
Inability to Pay Attention Extreme Withdrawal Disruptive Behavior Inability to Pay Attention Regressive Behaviors Sleep Disruptions Irritability Irrational Fears Older Children
a time for mourning television exposure was directly related to PTSD only in children who did not see, hear, or feel the explosion and who did not know anyone who was killed or injured in the explosion. Limit exposure to continuing news stories and hold adult conversations only when children are not present. This will limit trauma by protecting children from ongoing media images of the disaster that may only contribute to fear and helplessness.
a time for dancing Joy – children and media
Children are small and feel out of control of their environment Develop a family emergency plan. Role-play some possible situations. Knowing that you are prepared will help children cope with fears that they may find themselves separated from family in the event of a traumatic event. a time for tearing
a time for repairing
a time for planting Do good. Doing good for others helps children overcome the sense of powerlessness. There are many ways to be helpful in your community and around the world:
a time for uprooting what was planted Images that don’t make sense to children Ongoing communication is helpful for validating children's feelings about the images they see or the conversations they hear about traumatic events. Most importantly, end each conversation on a positive note by assuring children of God’s love. Scripture, like "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" or “God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him,” different translations from Psalm 46 is one example of scripture that can bring children comfort. a time for uprooting what was planted
a time for crying Global society Reassure children as you listen to their fears. Children experience the same feelings as adults, so it is important and reasonable to validate their feelings while keeping a positive outlook on the future.
a time for laughing Children who do not play have a
Unlike most of us, children now have lived through a continuous time of war. Vietnam brought it to the dinner table. Encourage children to draw or write whatever comes to their minds, or give them a question or topic to draw about. Create a group mural or collage that illustrates the images children have seen. Follow up by listening to what they may have to say about how they are feeling. a time for war
a time for peace Pray with children for the victims of the disaster. Simple prayers like: Dear God, help and bless the people who were harmed. Guard them all with your care. Amen.
Flooding Hurricanes Shootings Flags South Carolina
Do you listen to respond or listen to understand?
“Children Are Resilient” Yes, there is a resilience in the young, but do not mistake that for believing that children can heal themselves
Pray with children for the victims of the disaster. Discuss openly with children what your family and congregation are doing to help those who have been hurt and are still hurting. Limit exposure to continuing news stories and hold adult conversations only when children are not present.
Reassure children as you listen to their fears. Share your own feelings with your children. Contact organizations in your area that address the needs of children. Provide structure through routine and activity.
Make objects that encourage play reenactment of the images children observe during and after a traumatic experience. Encourage children to draw or write whatever comes to their minds, or give them a question or topic to draw about. Develop a family emergency plan. Role-play some possible situations.
Ongoing communication is helpful for validating children's feelings about the images they see or the conversations they hear about traumatic events. Do good. Doing good for others helps children overcome the sense of powerlessness.
Teach us how to be more faithful in this present, and crucial hour. Silent Prayer Teach us how to be more faithful in this present, and crucial hour. Grant all people work with meaning, strength to care for those they love, Food for table, truth for telling, and challenges to rise above. AND remind us, God of mercy, this is our work, our call…AMEN!