International Arab Baccalaureate 2010 Pilot Sample Outcomes & Items
Organic Chemistry Chemistry Organic Chemistry Amides are organic compounds which can be found in plants (coffee, tea, etc.) and in some medicinal drugs (paracetamol, penicillin, etc.).
Conception: Amide Composition Outcome: To realize that an amide: (a) is an acid derivative where the hydroxyl group -OH is substituted by the amino group -NR2, and that (b) it can be obtained from the reaction between a carboxylic acid and an amine. Question 1: The organic synthesis of an amide requires 2 compounds. What families of organic molecules do these 2 compounds belong to?
Descriptive Analysis Outcome: Outcome: Analysis of the reactivity of a given amide in acidic water reveals that amides hydrolyze to the parent acid and the appropriate amine, whereas in hydrolysis a molecule is cleaved into two parts by the addition of a molecule of water. Question 2: Amides can be hydrolyzed under acidic or basic conditions. Describe the reaction of hydrolysis and give the obtained compounds in acidic medium.