La vendemmia Classe IIA e IIB Scuola Primaria “A La vendemmia Classe IIA e IIB Scuola Primaria “A.Cavicchi” Figline Valdarno – FI Italy
In September the grape is mature and is ready to picked.
The vineyard is formed from so many “rows”, so many grapevines form a “row”.
When grapes is mature we make the vintage.
The vintagers cut the clusters and they put them in the baskets.
We have picked up really so much grapes!
Picked grape is brought to the wine cellar and versed in “diraspatrice”.
In the “diraspatrice” grapes is separated by the “rasp” and rest for a few days in the barrels.
Inside the barrels, grape rests and becomes “mosto”, a sweet, dense and turbid liquid.
All in line to taste the “mosto”.
The “mosto” is decanted in other barrels where it boils, so the “saccharomyces” turned sugar in alcohol.
The “mosto”, turned into wine, is bottled.
…. And now we see what we have learned. We makes wine ….. And now we see what we have learned. We makes wine! “the diraspatrice”
“the pressing”
…. good health!