What does Belief in Allah entail? Having Allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad
It is related in the Sahihain of al-Bukhari and Muslim from Anas that the Prophet said: "None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child and all of mankind." And in the same sources we find that `Umar ibn al Khattab said to Allah's Messenger "O Rasoolullah, you are more beloved to me than anything except my own self." Allah's Messenger then told him, "No, by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, not until I am more beloved to you than your own soul." `Umar then told him, "By Allah, now you are more beloved to me than my own soul." Allah's Messenger then told him that now he had the complete and correct faith.
Love for the Prophet is of two levels: The first level is obligatory. This is the love that requires one to accept whatever the Messenger brought from Allah and to receive it with love, pleasure, esteem and submission, without seeking guidance from any other source whatsoever. Such a person accepts everything the prophet conveyed from his Lord and affirms whatever he has reported of obligations. Such a person also remains away from whatever the prophet has prohibited and supports the sunnah of the Prophet. All of this are necessary components that one must possess and a person's Faith is not complete without them.
The second level of love for the Prophet is superior and not an absolutely necessary component of Faith. This type of love requires following his example in an excellent way and fulfilling the following of his Sunnah with respect to his behavior, manners, voluntary deeds, superogatory actions, eating, drinking, dressing, excellent behaviour with his wives and other aspects of his perfect manners and pure behavior. It also includes learning about his life and days. It also includes the heart trembling when mentioning him, saying prayers and blessings upon him often out of what resides in the heart of love for him, esteem for him and respect for him. It also includes loving to listen to his words and preferring them over the words of others of the creation. And one of the greatest aspects of this love is to follow him in his abstinence of this world
If one is lacking in true love for the prophet there are some things he can do to bring about this love: (1) Learn his life story (2) Ponder the Ahadith (3) Ask Allah to bring about love for him
There are also signs that one can look for within himself that may be indicative of having love for the prophet (1) Concern for seeing and keeping company with him (2) Total willingness to sacrifice oneself and one's wealth for him (3) Following his orders and leaving what he prohibited (4) To make his Sunnah victorious and to protect the Sharee`ah
In addtion to having true love for him – there are other rights that the prophet has over us which is indicative of our allegiance: One is the right to be respected and appreciated. Respecting the Prophet includes respect of and adherence to his Sunnah after his death. Due rights should be given to the Prophet without exaggeration. When one reads how the companions used to love and respect the Prophet, one knows the importance of this matter. When Quraish (the Prophet's tribe) sent Orwa Ibn Masud to negotiate with the Prophet in the Hudaibia area, he was greatly impressed by how the companions treated the Prophet. He said: "I have visited the kings of Persia, Rome and Abysinia, but I have not seen any leader more revered and respected by his people than Muhammad. If he ordered them to do anything, they do it without delay. If he performs Wudu` (washing up for prayer) they all seek the remainder of the water he used. They never look at him in the eye, out of respect." This is how the Prophet was treated by his companions. He was Allah's Messenger who possessed great qualities and the best of conduct ever.
Another right the Prophet has over us which is a sign of our allegiance to him is to believe him in all matters of the religion When a Muslim believes in the Prophet and wants to follow his religion, he must do so believing that the Prophet's way is the best way. Believing in the Prophet includes the affirmation that his religion is the best religion. Allah said, what translated means: "But no, by your Lord, they can have no faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission" [4:65], and, "Say (O Muhammad to mankind): If you love Allah then you follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [3:31]
Also the Prophet has the right to be defended: Defending the religion can be done by using arms, the tongue and writings. To ignore attacks on the Prophet or on his religion is impermissible to Muslims. Muslims must strive to reject, in the best manner, attacks on the Prophet's character or on any aspect of his religion, the best religion sent to mankind.
So thus: When we take that shahadah and pledge our allegiance to Allah and his prophet it goes deeper than the toungue. Our allegiance should show thru our actions and behavior. Do we love for the sake of Allah? Do we hate for the sake of allah? Do we truly have love for Allah and his prophet? Is this all displayed through our actions and behavior? If the answer is no then you need to re-evaluate the meaning of your testimony