Film as Literature Unit – English 12 Editing #1 Film as Literature Unit – English 12
Objective Learning Target: learn vocabulary terms for editing film, identify use of film techniques, analyze the effect a filmmaker’s choice has on the audience Success Criteria: Complete journal entries, write an effect statement for a film editing choice
Editing - overview Editing – combining shots together in order to create a complete film transitions – how shots are joined together editing styles – an overall approach to the method of editing
Style: Continuity editing Editing that creates continuous and clear narrative action – suggests that time, space and action all flow forward between shots Techniques: Axis of action 180 degree rule Establishing Shot Matching shots Eyeline matching
Continuity editing While watching this episode of Five Minute Film School – Take notes on these terms: 180 degree rule, establishing shot, matching shots, eyeline matching
180 degree rule/Axis of action An imaginary line drawn through the most important characters in a scene; the camera must not cross this line
Establishing shot A shot that establishes the setting of a scene
Matching shots or eyeline match Subsequent shots that match what the subject’s eyes are looking at
Journal entry In this clip from “That 70s Show” the characters take part in what has been called a “circle moment”. This technique was used repeatedly throughout the show. Watch and answer the following questions. 1. How does this shot break the 180 degree rule? 2. Does it use eyeline matches? How can you tell? 3. What is the effect of the placement of the camera and the editing between shots on the viewer?
Style: montage Juxtaposing shots in an often fast-paced fashion that compresses time and conveys a lot of information in a relatively short period. Techniques: establishing shots graphic matches match on action pans juxtaposition
Montage - Example Watch this example from Edgar Wright’s “Shaun of the Dead”, a zombie romantic comedy (Zom-Rom- Com)
Establishing shot A long shot that introduces us to a location – can include important figures, objects, and setting
Graphic matches Two shots joined to create a strong connection between two similar images.
Match on action A cut that places two different views of the same action making the action seem to continue uninterrupted.
Whip Pan Panning the camera so quickly in any direction that the image turns to a blur
Journal Watch this clip from Rocky IV. In the clip we see how Rocky Balboa and his opponent, Ivan Drago, train for their upcoming fight. How does the montage use image matches, and juxtaposition to create a message about these two characters? What is that message?
Editing terms to know - Transitions cut-in/cut- away dissolve jump cut establishing shot shot/reverse shot superimpose eyeline match graphic match match on action diegetic time long take overlapping editing