Art 102 Fall 2011 Cubism, Surrealism Lecture
Braque Maisons a L'Estaque 1908
Picasso Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 1907
Ingres Turkish Bath 1862
Braque Le Portugais 1912
Picasso Ma Jolie 1911
Pablo Picasso Still Life with Chair Caning 1912
Robert Delaunay Tower Behind Curtains 1910
Max Ernst La Cle des Chants 1933
Andre Masson Automatic Drawing 1924
Miro Bouquet of Flowers Smile of My Blond 1924
de Chirico Conquest of the Philosopher 1912
de Chirico Song of Love 1914
Tanguy Infinite Divisibility 1942
Magritte Personal Values 1952
Magritte Ceci n'est pas une Pipe
Dali The Dismal Sport 1929
Dali Giraffe in Flames 1935