Learn about different types of diabetes Lesson One: Why study type 2 diabetes? Today we will… Learn about different types of diabetes See the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. Ask our own questions about type 2 diabetes
Color Percentage white No data cream <4.5 yellow 4.5-5.9 gold Lesson One: Why study type 2 diabetes? Color Percentage white No data cream <4.5 yellow 4.5-5.9 gold 6.0-7.4 orange 7.5-8.9 red > 9.0 The following PowerPoint shows the percentage of adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes in the US between 1994 and 2014. This table shows the color key for percentages you see in the next sides.
1994 Methodology The percent of U.S. adults who have diagnosed diabetes was determined by using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS, available at http://www.cdc.gov/brfss). An ongoing, yearly, state-based telephone survey of the non-institutionalized adult population in each state, the BRFSS provides state-specific information on behavioral risk factors for disease and on preventive health practices. Respondents who reported that a physician told them they had diabetes (other than during pregnancy) were considered to have diagnosed diabetes. Rates were age-adjusted using the 2000 U.S. Standard Population.
Major changes to the survey method in 2011 more detail at http://www.cdc.gov/surveillancepractice/reports/brfss/brfss.html
How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? The Driving Question How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed?
How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? The Driving Question How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? What is it? What causes it? How does it affect the body?
How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? The Driving Question How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? Why is it growing? Is this a problem? What can slow it?
How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? The Driving Question How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? Can it be prevented? Can it be cured? Are there medicines and treatments?
How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? The Driving Question How can the growth of type 2 diabetes in the Philomath area be slowed? How does my environment matter? Is Philomath different from other places?
County-level Estimates of Diagnosed Diabetes among Adults aged ≥ 20 years: United States 2009 http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/DDTSTRS/default.aspx Age-adjusted percent http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/atlas/countydata/atlas.html
Incidence and Prevention Type Prevalence Possible Prevention Type 1 5% Types of Diabetes Incidence and Prevention Type Prevalence Possible Prevention Type 1 5% none Type 2 90-95% for some, lifestyle changes Gestational <1-2% other 1-5% Data from the CDC
GEM Diabetes Curriculum
GEM Diabetes Curriculum