________________________________________________________ Monday August 22, 2016 ___________________________________ Morning work: Problem of the day. Work on an index card. ________________________________________________________ There are 101 students in 5th grade. Every year, they go to driftwood and take one or two buses. The cost for each student is $250.00. How many students need to go in order to pay for 1 bus for $3,105 and the Driftwood Research Center for $10,000? How many need to go if we get two busses for $6,100?
Driftwood Science Center 10,000 Two buses 6,100= 16, 100 Add up the cost Driftwood Science Center 10,000 One bus 3, 105= 13, 105 Then divide by the cost per student 13, 105/ 250= 52 Add up the cost Driftwood Science Center 10,000 Two buses 6,100= 16, 100 Then divide by the cost per student 16,100/250=65
Schedule of the day ELA Math Science Social Studies 1. ELA: Characterization, Introduction paragraphs. 2. Instruction Focus: Math Groups 3. Number Talks – Powers of Ten 4. Math- Powers of Ten Notes, Representing whole numbers in standard, expanded, and word form 5. Social Studies- Citizenship Review 6. Science – Scientific Method Review All day I will be pulling students to review the Benchmark test one on one. ELA Math Science Social Studies
Article of the week. Multiplication and division practice sheet 3. Study for re-test
ELA: Character development during multiple events in the story Students use guided reading or independent reading books to create a summary film strip www.lakeshorelearning.com/media/images/free_resources/teachers_ corner/lesson_plans/3_4/summarizeAStory.pdf When creating the summary paragraph, use the commas in a series Introduction paragraphs.
Summary with commas in a series The Other Side by Jacqueline Woodson is a story of friendship and race. Clover and Annie are two little girls who live near one another. Because they are not the same race, their families do not want them to play together. They stare at each other across the fence. After doing that for awhile, they decide to play together. They jump rope, play hopscotch, and talk about the things they both like. Pretty soon, they learn they are more alike than they are different. They don’t understand why they are kept apart. The books ends with the girls agreeing that the fence should not be there.
Instructional Focus Math Groups 1. Multiplication facts 2. Order of Operations 3. Multiplication strategies 4. Word problems
Math Notes notes notes Powers of Ten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxLQSRk8KbY
Math Representing whole numbers in standard, expanded, and word form https://www.khanacademy.org/math/in-eighth-grade-math/playing-numbers- 1/numbers-general-form/v/place-value-2
71,030 20,023 79,452 7 x 100,000) + (1 x 10,000) + (1 x 1,000) + (7 x 100) + (3 x 10) + 1 5 x 100,000) + (5 x 10,000) + (2 x 1,000) + (6 x 100) + (5 x 10) + 7 one hundred fifty-eight thousand five hundred twenty-seven Practice
7 x 100,000) + (1 x 10,000) + (1 x 1,000) + (7 x 100) + (3 x 10) + 1
5 x 100,000) + (5 x 10,000) + (2 x 1,000) + (6 x 100) + (5 x 10) + 7
one hundred fifty-eight thousand five hundred twenty-seven
Snack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6IAzlugWw0
Responsibilities of Citizenship You are a citizen of the country you were born in. Usually, citizens live in their country as loyal members of society. Many countries also have options so people who are not natural-born citizens can become citizens of that country. When they complete the requirements, they are called naturalized citizens.
As a citizen of your country, you have some rights, duties and responsibilities. U.S. law guarantees the rights of all citizens. It doesn’t matter what U.S. state the citizen lives in, the rights are the same for all citizens. This is because the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The rights of citizens of the United States are protected in the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights is the fi rst ten amendments to the U. S The Bill of Rights is the fi rst ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. A citizen has the right to speak freely and the right to religious freedom. A citizen who is accused of a crime has a right to a fair trial and a trial with a jury. In exchange for their rights, citizens have duties and responsibilities.
They have a duty to serve on a jury when asked They have a duty to serve on a jury when asked. They should obey all laws. In wartime, they must serve in the armed forces when required to. They must pay taxes to support the services and programs of the government. Good citizens vote in elections to express their opinion on how the government should be run. In addition to a national citizenship, people are citizens of a state and a city. They have similar rights and responsibilities in each level of citizenship
Questions use completes sentences 1) In your own words, explain what it means to be a citizen. 2) What are the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution called? 3) What is a naturalized citizen? 4) Describe some of the duties and responsibilities of a citizen. 5) What are two rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution?
Bill of rights game http://www.annenbergclassroom.org/page/the-bill-of-rights-game
Science Testable vs. non-testable questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqfQpURDoCo Weight vs mass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M-80JdzdOw
Writing the draft for your group experiment. Hypothesis. Materials. Procedures.
Article of the week. Powers of Ten practice sheet 3. Study for re-test