Dance Literacy - About LMA Written by Jeong Sun Park
Dance Literacy? LMA is one of the most popular Yes! We have many dance languages. LMA is one of the most popular dance language.
What is LMA? Laban Movement Analysis
What is LMA? (continued) A system and language for understanding, observing, describing and notating all forms of movement Devised by Rudolf Laban
What is LMA? (continued) It includes studies in 4 inter-related categories Body/ Effort/Shape/Space
Body The body category describes structural and physical characteristics of the human body while moving.
Effort Space: Direct / Indirect Weight: Strong / Light Time: Sudden / Sustained Flow: Bound / Free
Shapes "Shape Forms” "Modes of Shape Change" "Shape Qualities" "Shape Flow Support"
Space Kinesphere Spatial Intention Geometrical observations of where the movement is being done
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