Branches of Chemistry
There are 5 main branches of Chemistry Inorganic---The chemistry of molecules and compounds that contain very little hydrocarbons and no hydrocarbon radicals Organic---The study of carbon and it’s compounds Analytical---The study of chemistry of matter and the development of tools used to measure properties of matter Physical Chemistry---applies physics to the study of chemistry, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, nuclear chem Biochemistry--- The study of the chemical processes that occur inside of living organisms
Each of the main branches have sub branches Inorganic Bioinorganic---the study of the interaction of metal ions with living tissue Geochemistry---The chemical changes in rocks Solid state chemistry---The study of, synthesis, and properties of solid materials
Each of the main branches have sub branches Organic Chemistry Medicinal chemistry---the design, development and synthesis of medicinal drugs Organometallic chemistry---the study of bonds between carbon and metals Polymer Chemistry---The study of organic polymers Physical Organic chemistry---the study of the interrelationship between structure and reactivity Stereochemistry---the study of the spatial arrangement of atoms and molecules
Each of the main branches have sub branches Analytical Chemistry Forensic Chemistry---the chemistry of the investigating of crimes Environmental Chemistry---Chemistry of the interaction of the environment, atmosphere, aquatics and soil Bioanalytical Chemistry---the examination of biological materials, blood, urine sweat, hair, fecal matter and other bodily materials
Each of the main branches have sub branches Physical Chemistry Photochemistry---The study of the chemical changes caused by light Surface Chemistry---The study of the interactions on the surface of substance Chemical Kinetics---The study of rates of reaction and factors effecing this rates Quantum Chemistry---The Mathematical description of motion and relationship to the chemical process Spectroscopy---the study of the electromagnetic processes Nuclear Chemistry---the study of nuclear reactions for both weapons and medicinal purposes
Each of the main branches have sub branches Biochemistry Molecular biology---the chemical reactions of the various systems of the cell Genetics---The study of genes and the chemical make-up of DNA, RNA, mRNA and tRNA Pharmacology---the study of the drug interactions in the body Toxicology---the effects of poisons on an organism Clinical Biochemistry---the study of diseases and the change in the chemical composition and biological processes Agriculture Biochemistry---the chemistry that occurs in plants, animals, and micro organisms