April 10, 2017 Lakshmi Pandey and David Sjoquist Changing Face of Atlanta Maps (1970-2015: Age, Race/Ethnicity, Income, Poverty and Education)
Age (0-17, 1970)
Age (0-17, 1980)
Age (0-17, 1990)
Age (0-17, 2000)
Age (0-17, 2015)
Age (18-64, 1970)
Age (18-64, 1980)
Age (18-64, 1990)
Age (18-64, 2000)
Age (18-64, 2015)
Age (65+, 1970)
Age (65+, 1980)
Age (65+, 1990)
Age (65+, 2000)
Age (65+, 2015)
Race/Ethnicity (White, 1970)
Race/Ethnicity (White, 1980)
Race/Ethnicity (White, 1990)
Race/Ethnicity (White, 2000)
Race/Ethnicity (White, 2015)
Race/Ethnicity (African-American, 1970)
Race/Ethnicity (African-American, 1980)
Race/Ethnicity (African-American, 1990)
Race/Ethnicity (African-American, 2000)
Race/Ethnicity (African-American, 2015)
Race/Ethnicity (Asian, 1970)
Race/Ethnicity (Asian, 1980)
Race/Ethnicity (Asian, 1990)
Race/Ethnicity (Asian, 2000)
Race/Ethnicity (Asian, 2015)
Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic, 1970)
Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic, 1980)
Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic, 1990)
Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic, 2000)
Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic, 2015)
Income (Low-Income, 1970)
Income (Low-Income, 1980)
Income (Low-Income, 1990)
Income (Low-Income, 2000)
Income (Low-Income, 2000)
Income (Middle-Income, 1970)
Income (Middle-Income, 1980)
Income (Middle-Income, 1990)
Income (Middle-Income, 2000)
Income (Middle-Income, 2015)
Income (High-Income, 1970)
Income (High-Income, 1980)
Income (High-Income, 1990)
Income (High-Income, 2000)
Income (High-Income, 2015)
Poverty (1970)
Poverty (1980)
Poverty (1990)
Poverty (2000)
Poverty (2015)
Education (Less than high school, 1970)
Education (Less than high school, 1990)
Education (Less than high school, 1980)
Education (Less than high school, 2000)
Education (Less than high school, 2015)
Education (High school or GED, 1970)
Education (High school or GED, 1980)
Education (High school or GED, 1990)
Education (High school or GED, 2000)
Education (High school or GED, 2015)
Education (Bachelor's degree or more, 1970)
Education (Bachelor’s degree or more, 1980)
Education (Bachelor’s degree or more, 1990)
Education (Bachelor’s degree or more, 2000)
Education (Bachelor’s degree or more, 2015)
Copyright © Center for State and Local Finance 2017 Suggested citation: Center for State and Local Finance. 2017. “The Changing Face of Atlanta.” Accessed [date]. http://cslf.gsu.edu/changing-face-atlanta/ Copyright © Center for State and Local Finance 2017