By faith, we believe the mystery of the Trinity Redeemer Lutheran Church Sunday, June 11th 2017
Welcome to Redeemer! Ten days after Jesus ascended to heaven, he kept his promise to send the Spirit to his people, the church. The Holy Spirit blesses us with the gift of faith, with power through his Word, and with peace in Christ’s promises.
Beginning June 18th Our Lutheran Legacy
For Our Guests If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you. If you’d like to learn more about Redeemer and its ministry, please talk to Pastor Wolfe or a church member after the service.
Cheer our Volleyball Teams Tonight @ Pioneer Park: 6:15 & 7:15 pm Team Wolfe 6:15 Team Miller
Volunteer Sign-Up Online Check out our website Click on “For Our Members” Sign up for volunteers & activities Receive reminder emails
Young Worshipers There are children’s bulletins coloring pages & quiet bags with crayons and books available in the back of church for our young worshipers.
Please talk to Pastor Wolfe July 4th Parade You can help: Ideas Decorating Participating in the parade Supplies Please talk to Pastor Wolfe
Children's Message Each week, our younger worshipers are invited to the front of church before the sermon hymn to hear a special message for them from Pastor Wolfe.
Children’s Time Children age 3 to 2nd Grade Activities during the sermon that are age appropriate
Need to Know What’s Going On? Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips Check the church calendar Get access to sermons And much more
Church Picnic June 18th @ 10:45am @ Redeemer Church Bring a side dish or dessert Fun & games for the whole family
Junior Ushers Sign up each Sunday in the back of church and speak with the Ushers Hand out friendship registers during the offering
Speak with Pastor Wolfe to see on how to give to this ministry.
Bible Basic Studies Begins Thursday July 6th 10 week study covers most Bible Truths Non members and Member are welcome Speak with Pastor if wanting to attend.
Prayer Before Worship Father, Son, & Spirit, you alone are one God! You alone are three Persons in one God! As unfathomable as that is, yet this reminds us how awesome you are and beyond anything we can imagine. Come to our hearts through the Word today and fill us with a strong belief in this most precious truth. Bless us we pray, Amen.
July 31st-August 4th -Please look at the signup sheets in the church entry way to see where help is needed. -Donations needed are located on the bulletin board.
Mission of the Month May & June Martin Luther College