Store Multiple Results? Clinometer Measure Angle Store Result Enter Distance ----- Meeting Notes (29/5/17 15:17) ----- Store Multiple Results? Store Result Play Back Results
Clinometer (1) Set angle 1 to 0 Set angle 2 to 0 Set angle 3 to 0 Set distance 1 to 5 Set distance 2 to 5 Set distance 3 to 5 Set menu to 0 If menu is set to (0), waiting for angle 1’s input Show angle 1 If menu is set to (1), waiting for distance 1’s input Show distance 1 If menu is set to (2), waiting for angle 2’s input Show angle 2 If menu is set to (3), waiting for distance 2’s input Show distance 2 If menu is set to (4), waiting for angle 3’s input Show angle 3 If menu is set to (5), waiting for distance 3’s input Show distance 3
Clinometer (2) If button A is pressed If menu is set to (0), waiting for angle 1’s input Set angle 1 to current pitch If menu is set to (1), waiting for distance 1’s input Increase distance 1 by 1 (meter) If menu is set to (2), waiting for angle 2’s input Set angle 2 to current pitch If menu is set to (3), waiting for distance 2’s input Increase distance 2 by 1 (meter) If menu is set to (4), waiting for angle 3’s input Set angle 3 to current pitch If menu is set to (5), waiting for distance 3’s input Increase distance 3 by 1 (meter) Otherwise Show all store angles and distances recorded
Clinometer (3) If button B is pressed If menu is set to (0), waiting for angle 1’s input Go to display mode (6) If menu is set to (1), waiting for distance 1’s input Decrease distance 1 by 1 (meter) If menu is set to (2), waiting for angle 2’s input Go to display mode (6) If menu is set to (3), waiting for distance 2’s input Decrease distance 2 by 1 (meter) If menu is set to (4), waiting for angle 3’s input Go to display mode (6) If menu is set to (5), waiting for distance 3’s input Decrease distance 3 by 1 (meter) If button A and B is pressed If menu is set to (0), waiting for angle 1’s input Go to next menu (1) If menu is set to (1), waiting for distance 1’s input Go to next menu (2) If menu is set to (2), waiting for angle 2’s input Go to next menu (3) If menu is set to (3), waiting for distance 2’s input Go to next menu (4) If menu is set to (4), waiting for angle 3’s input Go to next menu (5) If menu is set to (5), waiting for distance 3’s input Go to next menu (6) Otherwise Go to first menu (0)
Measure Moisture Level Soil Moisture Reader Measure Moisture Level Show Moisture What’s the level? Perform Action
Soil Moisture Reader (1) Set menu to 1 (normal mode) Set moisture threshold to 30 percent When button A is pressed If menu is in programming mode (0) If the moisture threshold is less than 100 percent Increase threshold by 10 percent each time Reset the moisture to 10 percent if it reaches 100 Show the analog input divided by 10 to get the percentage If button A and B is pressed If menu is in programming mode (0) Set menu to normal mode (1) Otherwise set to programming mode (0)
Soil Moisture Reader (2) When button B is pressed If menu is in programming mode (0) If the moisture threshold is more than 0 percent Decrease threshold by 10 percent each time Reset the moisture to 100 percent if it reaches 0 If menu is in normal mode (1) If the moisture is less than moisture threshold Show sad face If the moisture is more than moisture threshold Show happy face Play happy tune If the moisture is less than moisture threshold Show sad face Play happy tune Wait for 10 seconds before checking again
Drum Kit Input first 2 beats Which Button is pressed? Play Assigned Tone Play Back beats based on interval
Drum Kit (1) Set beat interval to (0) Set record to (0) Set timer to (0) When P1 is pressed If recording is set to (0) (start recording mode) Send radio Number 1 Play a Beat If recording is set to (1) (stop recording mode) Set record mode to (2) Play a Beat If recording is set to (2) (playback mode) Set record mode to (0) Reset timer to (0)
Drum Kit (2) When button A is pressed When record is in play mode (2) Play a Beat Wait for the recorded interval before playing again When button B is pressed When record is in play mode (2) Play a Beat Wait for the recorded interval before playing again When button A and B is pressed When record is in play mode (2) Play a Beat Wait for the recorded interval before playing again
Drum Kit (3) Always display When recording mode is waiting (0) Display ready to record symbol When recording mode is started (1) Display stop recording symbol When recording mode is stopped (1) Display play back symbol Always display When recording mode is started (1) Increase timer by 1 Pause for 100ms before When recording mode is stopped (2) Set the beat interval to new timing
Within the input condition? Synthesizer Check Input Within the input condition? Play Tone
Synthesizer If the reading is between 0 and 200 Play tone ‘C’ Play tone ‘D’ If the reading is between 500 and 800 Play tone ‘C’
Shuttle Run When Touched Start Timer Correct Sequence? Stop Timer
Shuttle Run (1) Set the radio group (0-255) so Micro:bits can talk Set state to 0 When P1 is pressed If the state is in mode (0) Send radio Number 1 Set state to 1 to count as 1st lap If the state is in mode (1) Send radio Number 2 Set state to 2 to count as 2nd lap If the state is in mode (2) Send radio Number 3 Set state to 3 to count as 3rd lap If the state is in mode (3) Send radio Number 4 Set state to 1 to count as final lap
Shuttle Run (2) If A and B are pressed at the same time Reset the state to 0 If the state is more than 0, Display the current state/lap When number is received If the number received is (1) Set the state to 1 If the number received is (2) Set the state to 2 If the number received is (3) Set the state to 3 If the number received is (4) Set the state to 4
Push Up Counter When Touched Count Fail/Pass/Gold? Show Result
Push Up Counter (1) Set first menu to (2) Set Gold Standard value (2) Set Pass Standard value (1) Set Push ups count to 0 Always Display If the menu is in mode (0) Show current pass standard value If the menu is in mode (1) Show current gold standard value If the menu is in mode (2) Show current push ups count
Push Up Counter (2) When Pin 2 is pressed, Increase push ups count by 1 Increase variable 1 by 1 If push ups has hit the set pass standard Play passing melody Of push ups has hit the set gold standard Play gold melody Always checking, If pushups has hit or exceeded gold standard Keep LED on P1 Lighted up (1) Always checking, If Pin 2 gets pressed Turn on LED on P1 (1) Wait 0.5 sec then Turn off LED on P1 (0)
Push Up Counter (3) When Button A is pressed If the menu is in mode (0) Increase passing threshold by 1 If the menu is in mode (1) Increase gold standard threshold by 1 If the menu is in mode (2) Do Nothing When Button B is pressed If the menu is in mode (0) Decrease passing threshold by 1 If the menu is in mode (1) Decrease gold standard threshold by 1 If the menu is in mode (2) Reset push ups to 0 Switch off LED attached to P1 (0) When Button A and B is pressed at the same time If the menu is in mode (0) Go to the next menu (1) If the menu is in mode (1) Go to the next menu (1) If the menu is in mode (2) Go back to the first menu (0)
Menu (1) Set first menu to 0 Set 1st variable to 0 Set 2nd variable to 0 When Button A is pressed If the menu is in mode (0) Increase variable 1 by 1 If the menu is in mode (1) Increase variable 2 by 1 If the menu is in mode (2) Do nothing When Button B is pressed If the menu is in mode (0) Decrease variable 1 by 1 If the menu is in mode (1) Decrease variable 2 by 1 If the menu is in mode (2) Do nothing
Menu (2) Always Display If the menu is in mode (0) Show variable 1’s value If the menu is in mode (1) Show variable 2’s value If the menu is in mode (2) Show “start program” followed by Showing variable 1’s value and Variable 2’s value When Button A and B is pressed together If the menu is in mode (0) Go to next Menu (1) If the menu is in mode (1) Go to next Menu (2) If the menu is in mode (2) Go to first menu (0)
Stopwatch (1) Do not start the countdown yet (0) Set the Seconds to 0 Set the deci-seconds to 0 When Button A is pressed If the timer is not started (0) Start the timer (1) Otherwise stop the timer (0)
Stopwatch (2) While the timer has started (1) If deci-seconds is less than 100, then Increase the deci-second by 1 Wait for 100 milliseconds before repeating Otherwise, reset deci-seconds to 0 While the timer has started (1) Increase Seconds by 1 Wait for 1 second before repeating Show Seconds Followed by deci-seconds
Countdown (1) Set the Countdown to desired amount Do not start the countdown yet (0) When Button A is pressed If the countdown is not started (0) Start the countdown (1) Otherwise stop the countdown (0) And reset the Countdown
Countdown (2) If the timer has started (1), then As long as countdown has not hit 0 Reduce the countdown by 1 Pause by 1 second before repeating If the timer has not reached 0 Show the current time left Otherwise show a symbol
Toggle Switch Set the initial state to off (0) When Button A is pressed If the state is off (0), then Set the state to on (1) Otherwise set the state to off (0) Always Update the state If the state is off (0), then Then show 0 Otherwise show 1