Moving On Often it’s luck of the draw where you are guiding as to what kind of local support is given to girls and their parents when it’s time to move sections. Like playing a game of Snakes and Ladders, we have some good practices that ensure a smooth climb of the Moving On Ladder and we have some bad ones that force girls to slide out of guiding. We need to standardise our "tools" for transition between sections and create training to educate our Leaders. As in a game of chance here are some positives and negatives, which exist today: -
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Snake We can't afford the Pot of Gold books for our Rainbows, so we don't bother.
Snake Brownies meet at a different place and on a different evening to us so we don't have any contact with them.
Snake I just leave it up to the girls if they want to move on - it's not my job.
Snake We never join in with the Guides or the District events because as the Brownie Leader I'm too busy.
Snake I keep hold of my Brownies until they are 12, because they don't want to go onto Guides and they help me out with the younger girls.
Snake Most Guides leave when they get to teenage - they just lose interest.
Snake There isn't a unit of The Senior Section near to us - so I don't think it's worth telling the Guides about what they could do.
Ladder Rainbows always complete their Pot of Gold and experience a special evening of celebration when it is time for them to move on to Brownies.
Ladder We have regular joint meetings and activities with the Guide unit that our Brownies normally move on to, so that Brownies have contact and know what Guides are like.
Ladder Older Brownies are always encouraged to undertake Brownies Go For It.
Ladder We share our waiting-to-join lists at District meetings to ensure girls are offered places to join a unit that has spaces.
Ladder We encourage our older Guides to form a special Patrol that allows them to use time at Guides finding out about The Senior Section.
Ladder Our nearest unit of The Senior Section regularly visits our Guide Unit and tells the Guides about the exciting activities they get up to.
Ladder As a Leader I keep myself up to date with other sections’ programmes so I can inform my girls about the exciting activities they can look forward to when they move on.