Mrs. Castillo’s Fourth grade Class This week you can look forward to: Week of December 5-9 This week will be filled with finishing up units and review for our Semester 1 tests. After break, you will see more “worksheets” on Google Classroom. Mrs. Castillo’s Fourth grade Class This week you can look forward to: Science: We will continue Virginia’s resources (4.9). 4-H in the classroom will be 12/7 Math: Our Pattern unit will finish on Wednesday and we will begin review for the semester test with a heavy push on decimals and word problems. Reading: Chunk 2 will be 12/7. This week we will begin section 6 with problem and solution and cause and effect in historical fiction genre. (4.5eji) Writing: Students will continue a narrative story about what happens at Pleasant View at night. Our grammar focus is possessives (4.7) VA Studies: This week students will continue exploring colonial life in Virginia by learning about the early money and trading system. (VS.4) We will begin reviewing for our semester test. VS.4 test will be after break. Semester 1 Testing Schedule Tuesday, December 6: Writing Monday, December 12: VA Studies Wednesday, December 14: Science Thursday, December 15: Math Section 6 reading test and the writing prompt will be after the holiday break. Students need to be studying for Science and Virginia Studies Tests at home. I suggest starting to study 3-4 days before a test. Reminders: Students are expected to correct any papers with a grade of a D or F Upcoming Dates: December 5-16: Semester 1 testing December 7: 4-H in classroom December 12: Winter Program December 19: Winter break begins