Monday October 26th Quarter 2!!
Bell Ringer 10/26/15 In 10 years: Where do you realistically see yourself. Where do you wish you’ll be. Where do you hope you’re not. What steps do you need to take to get where you want to be?
Agenda Changes for Quarter 2 IRP Overview & Packet Handout IRP Examples
Changes For 2nd Quarter Classwork & Quizzes Summatives Vocab Test 2 I am now going to implement my 5 day completion rule: Any student who misses a Quiz or Formative assignment in class for WHATEVER reason, will have 5 school days to hand in/take the assignment. Otherwise a ‘0’ will placed in Gradebook. Summatives Any student who misses a summative assignment due to an unexcused absence will be issued a ‘0’, and will not be allowed to retake the summative until I’ve made parent/guardian contact. This quarter, students will only be allowed 1 summative retake. Vocab Test 2 Any student who receives a 100% on ALL vocab quizzes leading up to the test, will receive an automatic ‘A’ for the summative at the end of the quarter.
Independent Reading Project You have 9 weeks to read a book of your choice and complete a written and “crafty” project on it. You will present your “crafty” projects to the class for extra credit. This will be a 100 point SUMMATIVE assignment.
“Can I read a book that has been made into a movie?” In the past the answer has been “NO!”, but… this year you can! BUT, if you choose to do so, you automatically qualify yourself for the additional assignment. See your packet for details.
Books that are FORBIDDEN Books read in previous classes The Giver Tangerine Life of Pi Etc. Books below reading level Comic Books (This DOES NOT include graphic novels or Manga) Books that deal with inappropriate subjects & content 50 Shades of Grey ( all 3) Drug/sex heavy plot lines