English I, Unit 8 Mr. David Castillo M.
Unit 8:
Extra Activity Go to page 57-58, Cuaderno de apuntes.
Answer the following questions. 1- Where does Angela’s brother work? 2- What does Rachel’s brother do? 3- What’s funny about the story?
Decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. 1- Stephanie has a new job. 2- Stephanie teaches English at Lincoln High School. 3- Stephanie thinks the students are very good. 4- Richard is a doctor. 5- Richard says his job is stressful.
Pages 58-59, cuaderno de Apuntes.
Express these ideas in another way. A surgeon’s job is difficult. A surgeon has a difficult job_________________ 2. A photographer has an exciting job. _______________________________ 3. A gardener has a safe job. _______________________________________ 4. An actor’s job is exciting. _______________________________________ 5. An air traffic controller’s job is stressful. _____________________________ 6. A security guard has a boring job. __________________________________ 7. A carpenter’s job is relaxing. ______________________________________ 8. A police officer has a dangerous job. _______________________________