Using EPSS Introductory Session Greet everyone


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Presentation transcript:

Using EPSS Introductory Session Greet everyone EXPLAIN: The purpose of today’s presentation is to review the process of uploading a Student Learning Objective and PGPs to the EPSS system NOT to discuss the composition of SLOs or PGPs Frame your discussion : EPSS or the Educator Performance Support System is the system that many districts are using to upload and review artifacts and provide feedback to educators on the Statewide Educator Evaluation systems. One constant element of each of the 3 evaluation models in the state is Student Learning Objective composition. Each teacher and administrator is required to compose, and in many cases upload these objectives to EPSS. Today we will talk about that process.

Objectives Review the process for logging on to EPSS. Identify access points for the PGP/SLO sections of the web page. Understand the features of the PGP/SLO pages. Develop an understanding of the procedure for saving or sending PGPs and SLOs for review. Learn process for uploading artifacts to EPSS. REVIEW: review objectives with group.

Logging On Go to: READ: Slide. Indicate that RI Educators who are currently certified have received emails with user names, passwords and instructions on accessing this site.

DISCUSS: Features of RIDEmap include information about RI Education Initiatives (formative assessment, interim assessments, EPSS). Also indicate that there is a link to a support page and help desk for any technical issues or policy questions. Indicate: the location where educators will log in to the RIDEmap system. This Single sign on will allow them access to a number of educational management tools as we will see on the next slide.

REMIND: Educators that they have been sent usernames and passwords REMIND: Educators that they have been sent usernames and passwords. After their first sign on they will be prompted to change their password.

TELL: Participants that when they are logged in they will see a page similar to RIDEMAP, they will know they are signed on because their name is in the upper right corner. They will click this to log out or access account features. FOCUS: participants on the arrow that indicates they select a district, this is the first step to accessing EPSS.

TELL: participants that after selecting a district they will be prompted to choose a school, then the EPSS link will appear. Click the link to access EPSS. Pause : for questions before going to EPSS

Student Learning Objectives SESSION OBJECTIVES Identify access points for the SLO section of the web page. Understand the features of the SLO page. Develop an understanding of the procedure for saving or sending SLOs for review. Explain session objectives

TELL: Once you have entered EPSS your dashboard will look like this TELL: Once you have entered EPSS your dashboard will look like this. From here you can access the SLO section from 4 launch points. It does not matter which you use. Once you choose an access point click on the link.

TELL: Clicking on any of the 3 entrance links will open this page TELL: Clicking on any of the 3 entrance links will open this page. Click the Student Learning Objective link to access the SLO template. Reference/guidance documents are also available to help with the process of composing an SLO and help with navigating EPSS is available as well.

TELL: Participants to start a new SLO they should click Add Student Learning Objective.

TELL:This will open a long page that will require fields to be populated. We will break the page into 3 sections. The program will require you to populate all fields marked with an exclamation point to be considered a complete document. HOWEVER, to save the document, you need only populate one required section (for example the title). REVIEW: the sections of this part of the SLO but do not go into detail about filling these in. If necessary REMIND participants that this discussion is about EPSS, not composition of SLOs.

READ: sections of the slide. POINT OUT: clicking the add/remove standards button will open a sub window where educators can select standards. We will explore this on the next slide

REMIND: participants you have just clicked on the add/remove standards button. Over 220 pages of standards have been added to this list, including but not limited to CCSS, GSEs, GLEs, industry standards, content standards etc. You can search by standard type, grade level and/or subject. The green buttons will expand the standard fully. Click to add the standard and the language will automatically populate the text box. Conversely all standards could be entered manually.

READ : the features of this slide READ : the features of this slide. Indicate that clicking add/remove targets allows for tiered targets as we will see on the next slide.

TELL: Participants that up to 5 targets can be imputed in these fields and at least one is required.

READ: Components of the slide READ: Components of the slide. Indicate that help with the meanings of any of these components can be gotten by clicking the blue question marks participants have seen throughout this page.

READ: Elements of slide.

TELL: participants that they will have several options to finish TELL: participants that they will have several options to finish. They may reset the objective, clearing all fields. Print the objective, save the objective or save and notify. Save and notify will allow the author to share with other stakeholders who may not be the evaluator (other department members, an assistant principal etc.).

Tell: participants once they have saved their learning objective, they will be navigated to this page, which will now have a link to access the objective. Once objectives are composed educators may submit them to their evaluator by clicking the box Submit Learning Objectives for Approval. Once submitted, it is not possible to edit them any further.

Professional Growth Plan SESSION OBJECTIVES Identify access points for the PGP section of the web page. Understand the features of the PGP page. Develop an understanding of the procedure for saving or sending PGPs for review. REVIEW: review objectives with group and pause for questions.

Tell participants there are 3 access points on the dashboard to get to the PGP template.

Remind participants that since this screen is long, we will go through in segments. Indicate PGP guidance and priority growth areas can be found in the first section of this form. Priority growth areas will only be there if the educator completes the self-assessment. At least one Goal is required for the 2012-13 school year. The goal must be aligned to either a Professional Practice or Professional Foundations Component.

Tell participants that each goal needs at least one action step

Remind participants each goal also requires at least one benchmark to check progress and a date for the projected completion of that benchmark.

Remind participants that they should choose evidence sources to show how the goal was met. Tell participants that as they upload artifacts they will be accessible in the evidence area indicated. We will discuss how to upload evidence shortly. Finally, remind participants that by the end of year they should indicate if their goal was met, not met, or in progress if it is a multi year goal.

Review the save submit process Review the save submit process. To submit the PGP to the evaluator, click submit. To save without submitting, click save. To save and share with someone else click save and notify. To print or comment in the document click print or comment.

UPLOADING SESSION OBJECTIVES How to access the artifact upload tool How to upload artifacts Pause for PGP questions. Read objectives

Tell participants they can access the artifact upload tool from the dashboard

Tell participants they can add artifacts by clicking on the add artifacts link indicated. This screen will also show them all the documents uploaded to that point. They can be organized by name, date, user or file type.

Tell participants that once they click add artifact it will open this sub-screen. Here you must give your artifact a name. You can also choose the type of artifact it is, what component of the evaluation system you want it attached to (SLO,PGP, PF) and align it to the rubrics. You browse the files on your computer by hitting browse and attach a file as you would an email attachment. Remind participants to save before leaving the sub-screen

Objectives Review the process for logging on to EPSS. Identify access points for the PGP/SLO sections of the web page. Understand the features of the PGP/SLO pages. Develop an understanding of the procedure for saving or sending PGPs and SLOs for review. Learn process for uploading artifacts to EPSS. Pause for questions REVIEW: review objectives with group. Thank group and end session.