Management of marine environments in a changing world


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Presentation transcript:

Management of marine environments in a changing world Anders Grimvall and Eva-Lotta Sundblad Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment May 31, 2016 May 31, 2016

Prevent and significantly reduce marine debris and nutrient pollution Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification End overfishing Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices … Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable … Ensure that people have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development May 31, 2016

Prevent and significantly reduce marine debris and nutrient pollution Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification End overfishing What? Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices … Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable … Ensure that people have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development Who? May 31, 2016

Which sectors influence the marine environment? May 31, 2016

Who can influence the state of the marine environment? May 31, 2016

that influence the pressure on marine environments We want to highlight actors, behaviours and structures in society that influence the pressure on marine environments

BPSIR – a framework that makes actors visible Behaviour of actors Pressure on environment State of environment Impact on welfare Response via policy Marine Policy 2014 (45) p 1-8

Generic model of substance flows from society to nature Air Soil Freshwater Seawater Production Distribution of consumer goods Consumption and use of products Waste management Import Export System boundary of producer goods Society Nature Export Import

Case study: Input of nutrients to the Baltic Sea Cyanobacteria bloom

Working process to identify measures Map societal phenomena that can influence the marine environment Define desirable changes Suggest potential measures or economic instruments May 31, 2016

Increasing consumption of protein Phenomenon 1: Increasing consumption of protein May 31, 2016

Substantial use of phosphorus additives in food Phenomenon 2: Substantial use of phosphorus additives in food Supply to the Swedish food industry May 31, 2016

Widespread awareness of the state of marine environments Phenomenon 3: Widespread awareness of the state of marine environments but Low awareness of the impact of own habits and activities May 31, 2016

Much of ’end-of-pipe’ in current measures Phenomenon 4: Much of ’end-of-pipe’ in current measures Import Trade finished goods Consumption and use of goods Export Trade inputs Air Soil Freshwater Sea water System boundary (Sweden) Society Nature Production Waste manage-menting Reduce emissions from agriculture Reduce wastewater emissions FOSFOR Measures in lakes Measures in the sea May 31, 2016

Voluntary initiatives Who can do what? Voluntary initiatives Regulations Dialogues with supply associations Knowledge building Consumer information Public procurement Farmers Consumers Wholesalers Retailers Fler aktörer Stora aktörer har en roll: Ställa krav i leverantörskedjorna (Lantmännen gör det på klimatsidan), Information om varors miljöpåverkan (Lantmännen gör det), exponering av varor Myndigheter: prisreglering, kostråd, öka aktörers kunskap/platform för dialog För att återknyta till det tidigare: det man bör göra är att identifiera vilka är företagen, hur nå dem i dialog och få till stånd handling? Nov 12, 2015

Finest wheat flower 20% less climate impact Nov 12, 2015

Substantial use of phosphorus additives in food Phenomenon 2: Substantial use of phosphorus additives in food Supply to the Swedish food industry May 31, 2016

Societal indicators (examples) Daily intake of protein Total flow of phosphorus from consumers to wastewater systems Retail sales with consumer information regarding impact on eutrophication Actor groups targeted in ongoing programmes of measures

General conclusions New system approach  New problem formulations  New measures Vital to engage additional actors Nov 12, 2015

Everyone together! Nov 12, 2015

Everyone together! Many can do more! Nov 12, 2015

Many can do more than they know! Everyone together! Many can do more than they know! Nov 12, 2015