Grade 1 – Unit 7 Geometry and Attributes Everyday Mathematics Grade 1 – Unit 7 Geometry and Attributes
Take a block to use today. 7.1 Math Message Take a block to use today. What shape is it?
Pick up one block to use today. What shape is it? What color is it? 7.2 Math Message Pick up one block to use today. What shape is it? What color is it? Is it large or small?
Find another person who has the same pattern-block shape. 7.3 Math Message Take a pattern block. Find another person who has the same pattern-block shape.
Take 3 straws from each box. Take 15 twist-ties. Look for as many different shapes as you can in the room. Be ready to talk about what you see. 7.4 Math Message
Which one of these objects can roll? 7.5 Math Message Which one of these objects can roll?
Name an object that is shaped like a cone. 7.6 Math Message
Take a sheet of paper with a picture of a heart. Carefully cut out the paper heart. 7.7 Math Message
7.8 Math Message Complete the Self Assessment.