Better Monitoring for Better Health


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Presentation transcript:

Better Monitoring for Better Health Cardiometabolic Monitoring in an Adult Mental Health Service: Measure What Matters Freyja Millar RN (MHN)MnP DE Better monitoring for better heath project officer Better Monitoring for Better Health

Overview Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiometabolic risk assessment. Evidence base Better Monitoring for Better Health Project description Evaluation, Research Insights Practice change measures Consumer, collaboration and recovery

Metabolic Syndrome and 2 or more of the following four criteria: Precursor to heart disease and diabetes Central obesity Waist circumference – 80cm woman 94cm men (ethnic specific) and 2 or more of the following four criteria: BP – 130/85 mmHg Triglycerides- > 1.7 mmol/L or on treatment HDL - < 1.0 men < 1.3 women or on treatment FPG – > 5.6 mmol/L or diagnosed T2DM International Diabetes Federation (2006).

Cardiometabolic Screening BP Fasting lipids HDL Triglycerides Fasting plasma glucose Waist circumference / Body Mass Index (kg/m2) . IDF(2006)


Better Monitoring for Better Health (2010-2013) Project Officer Freyja Millar RN MnP MHN DE 0459 809 612 Eastern Health Adult Mental Health Program Funded through an unconditional education grant from Pfizer

Goals That all people who are involved with mental health services be aware of the cardio metabolic risks associated with mental illness. That all consumers are offered screening for cardio metabolic risk. That all consumers are provided with every opportunity to improve their cardio metabolic health.

The consumer drives

Not learnt my lesson yet Evaluation Not learnt my lesson yet Eastern Health HREC approval 68-1011

Cardio Metabolic Monitoring Protocol

Cardio Metabolic Monitoring Protocol

the consumer is the driver of this process H.E.A.R.T Health Promotion Education Assessment Referral Treatment & Individual Recovery Plan the consumer is the driver of this process

Evaluation Eastern Health HREC approval 68-1011

What information matters? Documentation where it counts. T&IRP is the consumers document. Evidence of collaborative care. Working together towards a consumer goal. Is rate of compliance with guidelines enough? What does this really tell us about the service we provide? Does the practice change demonstrates a meaningful benefit to the consumer? Having a blood pressure taken or receiving health promotion? Ask the consumer.

Insights How do we know if we are doing a good job? Research Vs Quality Assurance Compliance with what? Compared to what? How will this help the consumer? Evaluate using a consumer focused lens. Consumer driven process Evaluation needs to reflect this

Better Monitoring for Better Health Project Officer Freyja Millar RN (MHN) MNP DE 0459 809 612 Eastern Health Adult Mental Health Program Funded through an unconditional education grant from Pfizer

References ADA, APA, AACE, & NAASO (2004). Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Obesity and Diabetes. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65(2), 267-272 Brunero, S., & Lamont, S. (2009). Systematic screening for metabolic syndrome in consumers with severe mental illness. [Article]. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 18(2), 144-150. Cohn, T. A., & Sernyak, M. J. (Writer) (2006b). Metabolic Monitoring for Patients Treated With Antipsychotic Medications [Article], Canadian Journal of Psychiatry: Canadian Psychiatric Association. International Diabetes Federation (2006). The IDF consensus worldwide definition of the metabolic syndrome Retrieved 12 August 2010, from John, A. P., Koloth, R., Dragovic, M., & Lim, S. C. B. (2009). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Australians with severe mental illness. The Medical Journal of Australia, 190(4), 176-179. Lambert, T. J. R., & Chapman, L. H. (2004). Diabetes, psychotic disorders and antipsychotic therapy: a consensus statement. The Medical Journal of Australia, 181(10), 544-548. Lambert, T. J. R., & Newcomer, J. W. (2009). Are the cardiometabolic complications of schizophrenia still neglected? Barriers to care. MJA, 190(4), S39-S42. Millar, F. (2012). Better monitoring for better health. Australian Nursing Journal , 20(2), 35. NSW Department of Health (2009a). Physical Health Care of Mental Health Consumers - Guidelines. from NSW Department of Health (2009b). the physical health mental health handbook. Robson, D., & Gray, R. (2007). Serious mental illness and physical health problems: A discussion paper. [doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2006.07.013]. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44(3), 457-466. Stanley, S., & Laugharne, J. (2010a). Clinical guidelines for the physical care of mental health consumers. In C. a. M. H. U. Community, School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences & T. U. o. W. Australia (Eds.). Perth: The University of Western Australia. Toth, G., Clifton, A., Mala, S., & Bachner, M. (2010). Physical health care monitoring for people with serious mental illness. Cochrane Data of Systematic Reviews(3), Art. No.: CD008298.