Introduction to SEAMCAT European Communications Office Marc Le Devendec, CEPT Workshop on future UHF spectrum use for SRD, RFID and Smart Metering, 4-5 April 2011 EUROPEAN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Nansensgade 19 DK-1366 Copenhagen Denmark Telephone: + 45 33 89 63 22 Telefax: + 45 33 89 63 30 E-mail: Web Site: Jukka Rakkolainen/ERO
SEAMCAT Principles ”SRD” features Practical information Propagation model Duty Cycle Sensing Practical information
SEAMCAT Spectrum Engineering Advanced Monte Carlo Analysis Tool ( The radio spectrum can only be used optimally if radio compatibility is ensured between different radio systems located in the same or adjacent frequency ranges Traditional analytical methods (MCL) cannot offer any satisfactory solution Statistical approach based on the Monte Carlo method (see ERC Report 68/ITU-R Report SM.2028-1) Developed in CEPT as a co-operation project between NRAs, industry and ERO/ECO (first release in January 2000)
SEAMCAT Quantification of interference levels Consideration of spatial and temporal distributions of the received signals Wanted Signal Inactive Interferer Victim Active t=t0 t=t1 t=ti SEAMCAT can address any interference scenario regardless of the type of victim and interfering radio systems.
Propagation model Extended Hata (SRD) - SE24 developed propagation model
Activity / Probability of transmission Duty Cycle Activity Time
Impact on the results If the probability of transmitting is decreased: the simulation radius is increased probability of interference decreased
Sensing feature Principle: interfering devices (It) try to detect the presence of protected services (e.g. the Wt) transmitting in each of the potentially available channels
Sensing feature Scan range of frequencies Frequency is not available if the received power is above the threshold Probability of failure If frequency is available the feature determine the allowed e.i.r.p. A single frequency: LBT
ECC Deliverables ERC Rec. 70-03: Short Range Devices (SRD) ECC Report 158: SRR 26 GHz applications using UWB Technology on Radio Services ECC Report 150: Compatibility studies between RDSS and other services in the band 2483.5-2500 MHz ECC Report 149: Compatibility of LP-AMI applications within 2360-3400 MHz, in particular for the band 2483.5-2500 MHz, with incumbent services ECC Report 140: Compatibility between RLAN on board aircraft and radars in the bands 5250-5350 / 5470-5725 MHz ECC Report 139: Impact of LPR, using Ultra-Wideband Technology on Radiocommunications Services ECC Report 128: Compatibility of pseudolites in 1164-1215, 1215-1300 and 1559-1610 MHz ECC Report 123: Impact of ODC applications using UWB technology on radio services ...
Modifications / New features SEAMCAT Technical Group STG Reflector: Chair: Thanks! Jean-Philippe Kermoal