Next steps toward achieving Renewable Energy Goal EWG 50 Agenda Item 8(d) Next steps toward achieving Renewable Energy Goal Keng-Tung Wu, PhD EGNRET Secretariat 16-17 December 2015
Background of RE Doubling Goal The United Nations Secretary-Genera launched a pioneering new initiative, “Sustainable Energy for All” (SE4ALL), on 1 Nov 2011, to mobilize urgent global action: Double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is the renewable energy hub of the SE4ALL initiative and supports SE4ALL partners, and thus can be a strategic partner. A doubling of the share of renewables worldwide does not mean a doubling in every country. (IRENA)
Background of RE Doubling Goal EWG 47 2014 The United States presented the proposed APEC aspirational goal of doubling renewable energy by 2030. The EWG expressed broad support for the goal, but noted that the goal is a collective target and requires refinements in the definition. The EWG will revisit the goal every five years up to 2035, and the goal would need to work with other international agencies . EMM 11 Energy Ministers aspired to the goal of “doubling the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix, including in power generation, from 2010 levels by 2030.” Energy Ministers instructed the EWG through the EGNRET to develop the road map Leaders’ Meeting “We endorse the Energy Ministers’ aspirational goal to double the share of renewables including in power generation by 2030 in APEC’s energy mix.” (Declaration)
EGNRET Activities for RE Doubling Goal Viet Nam 2013 EGNRET suggested APERC and EGEDA consider to propose an APEC funded project to establish a common definition of different types of renewable energy incorporating with current classification of renewable energies developed by EGEDA, IRENA, and IEA. EGNRET 41 China Member Economy presented and reviewed Current New and Renewable Energy Priorities in APEC Member Economies. EGNRET 42 USA 2014 Data collecting and analysis regarding to RE development was essential before making the decision about setting up a goal of promoting RE share. The collecting work may be done by EGEDA. Definition, cost estimation, funding mechanism, and a binding goal for all or specific goal for each economy will be a big issue to discuss and decide later.
EGNRET Activities for RE Doubling Goal Thailand 2014 Discussion on Role of EGNRET Toward the Doubling Renewable Energy Goal in APEC Region Major concern points from this discussion Definition (especially for traditional biomass and large hydro) Monitor system and report mechanism Exchange or share of best practices Financial mechanism Cooperation with EGEDA, EGEE&C, APERC Communicate with IRENA, ASEAN, IEA Priority field or topic for new proposal Regular review and modify for the RE doubling goal TPES or TFEC for the RE share calculation EGNRET 44 Philippines 2015 Proposing two actions Conduct projects related to APEC-IRENA Work Plan Filling the Gap to Reach the RE Doubling Goal EGNRET 45 China Discussion on definition of RE incl. traditional biomass and small hydro, and proposing projects related to APEC-IRENA Work Plan.
Daegu, Republic of Korea on November 10 – 11, 2015 APEC Workshop on Experiences and Plans to Double Renewable Energy Utilization by 2030 in the APEC Region Daegu, Republic of Korea on November 10 – 11, 2015 Discussion Issues Currents trends and barriers: policy, technical, and social to advancing renewable energy Opportunities and strategies for strengthening renewable energy implementation: emerging technologies, innovative financing, public-private partnership, and business cases Best practices for advancing renewable energy: training for capacity building, reducing soft costs, resources for information sharing, stakeholder engagement
Daegu, Republic of Korea on November 10 – 11, 2015 APEC Workshop on Experiences and Plans to Double Renewable Energy Utilization by 2030 in the APEC Region Daegu, Republic of Korea on November 10 – 11, 2015 Specific issues in priority order for future consideration identified by the workshop attendees are Education, training and information exchange Market and cost of renewable energy Inconsistent policies and incomplete understanding by policymakers Leverage advances in smart grid and storage technologies Strategic and innovative financing for bankable projects
Proposed APEC-IRENA Work Plan Future Actions for EGNRET- 1 Proposed APEC-IRENA Work Plan by USA Planning for the global energy transition Gateway to knowledge on renewable energy Enabling investment and growth Renewable energy access for sustainable livelihoods Islands: lighthouses for renewable energy deployment Regional action agenda
Proposed APEC-IRENA Work Plan - 1
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Future Actions for EGNRET - 2 Filling the Gap to Reach the RE Doubling Goal An initiative would be proposed to develop a roadmap toward the doubling RE goal, collaborated with IRENA and other APEC sub-groups. The strategy could be planned as the former EGNRET’s APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative developed in 2000.
Future Actions for EGNRET - 2 Filling the Gap to Reach the RE Doubling Goal The projects related to “Fill the Gap to Reach the RE Doubling Goal” should be proposed for preparing the roadmap toward RE doubling goal by 2030. RE Doubling Goal Gap for RE Doubling Current RE Target 2030 Current RE in 2010
Future Actions for EGNRET - 2 Filling the Gap to Reach the RE Doubling Goal 3) Others The monitor system and report mechanism will be also needed in the future. EGNRET will expand the experience exchange or share of best practices for each economy to access the enough technology to further promote the renewable energy. More financial mechanism is also needed to develop and provided for private sectors to make the contribution for the renewable energy employment.
Concluding Remarks EGNRET will continue work with EGEDA, EGEE&C, PPSTI, and APERC and APSEC in the APEC Region. EGNRET will try to communicate with IRENA, IEA, and ASEAN to obtain the most useful information for push forward the doubling goal. EGNRET will continue to discuss and look into the priority of different technology and/or strategy is required for all APEC Region or each Economy. EGNRET will encourage each economy to submit the proposal based on the identified priority in order to remove the barrier and speed up the deployment of renewable energy.
Thank you for your attention! EGNRET website: