Are you ashamed of your guilt? Sin and Guilt Are you ashamed of your guilt?
What is the Difference? What is the difference between guilt and shame? Can a person have both? Which is more powerful? Does it depend on age?
Guilt Guilt is associated with actions that do not conform to the ethical principles of the religion. Guilt is one expression of the personal ethical principles operative through an individual’s conscience. In the feelings: It is a part of the subconscious that activates our daily lives, a powerful psychological phenomenon.
Shame A painful emotion cause by consciousness of guilt, short coming or impropriety. A condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute. Something that brings strong regret, censure, or reproach.
Differences - according to Ruth Benedict Guilt relies on internal pressure which can be relieved through confession or contrition. Shame there is no “outlet.” Shame relies on external pressure to control behavior. It needs an audience
East and West Differences Shame vs. Guilt Easterners particularly in China and the Pacific Rim do not experience “guilt” as many in the West. Their guilt is better described as “shame.” However, Eastern cultures have the concept of “han.“ Han is suffering and intense shame.
Guilt (western) Guilt has an objective dimension. It is when a person has committed a serious offense in which the guilt is not removed. Judaism and Christianity emphasize the subjective and psychological aspect of guilt.
Judeo-Christian Concepts of Sin Sin is a broken relationship between God and humanity. For Christians sin is connected with disobedience to the commandments or the laws of God. Christianity stresses original sin: an attitude involving self-will and self-indulgence held to be characteristic of all fallen humankind that precedes and causes specific acts of sinfulness.
The Seven Deadly Sins Pride Covetousness Lust Envy Gluttony Anger Sloth
Other Descriptions of Sin Niebhur highlights pride Namely when humans set themselves up as God It is a general inclination of humans to overestimate their virtues, powers, and achievements. It is also sloth and self-indulgence. Harvey Cox Apathy, sloth, unwillingness to be everything one is supposed to be.