The Three Elements of Dance
1. Time- how long a movement takes (music/counting) Tempo- the speed of the movement (Adagio, Andante, Allegro) Beat- the recurring pulse of a movement/music (you can hear and sense the beat) ○ Rhythm- pattern of accented and unaccented beats
2. Space- the physical space trhough which movement takes you Shape- the form your body makes in space; torso directs force (arms, legs, head) Level- indicates your position (high, medium, low) on a vertical level Direction- the floor pattern of a dance; whichh way you face during your movements Dimension- relation of dancers to one another in space
3. Energy- the tension, or quality, used in a movement Gravity Momentum Resistance Inertia Moving because or moving “as if” Slow---------------------------------------------------Fast sluggish...leisurely...gradual...brisk...quick...sudden Light--------------------------------------------------Strong float....dab....glide...wring...thrust....slash....strike