Classrooms: Data Analysis & Instructional Materials Lesson 1: Layout and structure of Schoolnet Lesson 2:Using Schoolnet to examine data Classroom Reporting Customized Reporting Individual Student Reports Lesson 3:Locating available instructional materials MODULE 2 1
Home Page: Searching for Materials -from the home page click “Materials” -enter filters -click search
On the left you see the -Report Bank-search for reports, access what you have saved and what has been shared with you, reports will “contextualize” if set to refresh based on current data -My Resources-links you add with “+” sign -”My Notes”-put notes for your own usage On the right you will see data for section you have picked -4 tabs-data below is manipulated by which tab is selected -upcoming test has test you have scheduled -standardized test-EOG/EOC/NCFE/mClass data on students -district/local test tab and classroom tab are similar but will show different comparative performance based on who was assessed by the test (district test or classroom test) -at the top of this section it lists the last 3 recent assessments -under “Assessment details” you can manipulate the test -grey box has “quick reference info on the test” -- if seeing district and along with school and classroom - you are in as admin, if in as teacher will not see District -filter can be used to filter students by score group -see individual data on students, with color bars to show progress over time (hover to see individual data on that test) -- look at colors - if student’s “city” is red and orange they need remediation on that topic -quick “hyperlinks” to reports (same reports on other tabs)
Layout and Structure of Schoolnet: Home Page Standardized Test Tab example Look also at Upcoming Tests Tab
Layout and Structure of Schoolnet: Home Page Test that are coming up Little blue button beside test name is proctor dashboard
-Classroom Profile -can be manipulated to show Roster - name, phone number, parent name Marks - only for schools that have a “end grading period” within the school year (ex: high schools will have “Fall marks” before go into second semester, elementary will not have marks. Student Groups - teacher made -bottom - links to click for other resources Thinkgate is gone
Talk about it What powerful data can be found on the homepage that is important for a teacher? How can students be monitored for progress over time from the homepage? -several answers: Splash for information, roster of courses, section marks (possibly), parent calling list, data from assessments, filtering of students, comparisons of section, school, district for a district benchmark, -by looking at the colored bars, it can give you an indicator of a student’s progress in the class.
Using Data to Inform Instruction What does the data show? What does the data mean in terms of student learning? What evidence do I have to support this? How will I provide feedback to the student on her or his learning? What corrective instruction will I employ? How will the corrective instruction be implemented? Learning Target -if you want to know more about using data -please search NCEES for a professional learning session called :Using Data to Inform Instruction. This can help you think of how to use data effectively. Self - paced or Instructor Led
Classrooms: Student Performance We find data from assessments in -Classrooms -Student Performance
Student Performance Tabs -select your section Leadership - pick the teacher and then classroom section
Teacher Dashboard -material at the bottom is filtered for that chosen section
Lesson 1: Layout and structure of Schoolnet Training Agenda: PM Classrooms: Data Analysis & Instructional Materials Lesson 1: Layout and structure of Schoolnet Lesson 2:Using Schoolnet to examine data Classroom Reporting Customized Reporting Individual Student Reports Lesson 3:Locating available instructional materials Examining Schoonet data will include 3 types of reports data on full classroom assessments data you select to create a spreadsheet data pulled on individual students 12
Lesson 2: Using Schoolnet to Examine Data Classroom Reporting Benchmark Dashboard Summary Statistics Classroom Dashboard Trends Item Analysis Skills Analysis Standards Mastery Customized Reporting Student Analysis Individual Student Reporting Student List -take a look at your tab and note where they fall within our 3 types of reports. -lets look at the Classroom Reporting tabs first.
Benchmark and Classroom Dashboard listing of assessment by type benchmarks classroom test
-data for benchmarks -list of all -use drop down on left (arrow) to see more detail by test - show reports in detail and on tabs at top of page (trends is not at the top) -can click on same tab data from within this Benchmark -breaks down whole test by objective -can click on objective for resources aligned to it -compares teacher, school, district (compare teacher, school, district - because this is a district level test) -quick test overview at the bottom Teachers mostly won’t see Summary Statistics - because the class will need 30 students in it
-looks just like “benchmark” but only for class test -only see teacher data since this is the only class taking the test -notice the benchmark reports in the middle -trends is not on a tab
-on benchmarks, trends is available and summary statistics
Summary Statistics gives EOC/EOC like statistical data
Summary Statistics provides meaning to District and State benchmark test scores and allows administrators and teachers to make comprehensive interpretations of the student performance. Calculations are only performed for assessments with at least 30 test-taking students and after the Score Due Date has passed. The level of information that is available on the report is dependent upon the role to which you have been assigned.
Trends Reporting compares test over time by objectives
-NOT on its own tab -available on each dashboard
Trends Report How is the class performing? Which standards are most difficult? Is the class improving? Include up to six tests (assessments) Explain cells—how many students were at least proficient Can mix benchmark and classroom reports Can drill down to sub-standard level Notice standards - first one only one Item Analysis Second one - has two and can compare/see growth
Item Analysis analyze a test by each item on the test
Which items are difficult for students? Use Benchmark Item Analysis This report is available both at the school and classroom level. In this classroom example, the teacher can see not only which questions struggled with, but also see the most popular wrong answers Go to benchmark/classroom dashboard (or My Schoolnet) to get to item analysis Views – Low performing option, Current vs. total enrollment Section wide comparison Click on item - sometimes content not available Generate PDF to view printable view See what standard was assessed , the point value and correct answers Note: Open Ended (OE) - can clikck on paper to see answers percentage correct Boxes - click to add students to group
Skill Analysis analyze a test by skill/objective
Which skills are difficult for students? -standards can be “drilled” into by using “At-Level” -test can be manipulated at the top (from domain down to sub-domain) - drill down to actual objective (RI5 compared to RI5.4, RI5.2, etc) -you can group students based on skills they need assistance with -you can click on the objective to see resources -note the boxes beside the student names - click to group students
Group Students for Differentiation Only you can see your student groups Make notes regarding student instruction or progress Determine appropriate instructional strategies Differentiate instruction based on student needs View in the analysis spreadsheet Edit membership Comments Print list
View Differentiated Groups -groups can be seen in 2 places -classrooms, student groups or -at the bottom of the home page click “Student Groups”
Standard Mastery -review an assessment by the number of students mastering a standard
Which standards have been mastered? Use Standards Mastery Reports This gives information on each standard and the section/class performance. The information tells you the number of items that were on a specific assessment, the number of students who performed in a score group and the number of times this standard has been assessed. Why is this information important? The Golden Arches “M” is where you get materials Materials and standards coverage Drill in to see names Discuss Times Taught (on planner) and Times Assessed (in assessments) Will parse out results from open response items associated with multi-dimensional rubric Standards and Materials may be scheduled directly to the Lesson Planner from this screen—try it later Trainer note: 8 kids got less than 1/2 of questions on ma 6.1.e.6 correct. Since the standard was taught only once, it seems re-teaching is needed
Student Mastery Grouping By clicking on a number in one of the score bands, I see more information about student performance by score band.
Using Schoolnet to Examine Data Classroom Reporting Benchmark Dashboard Summary Statistics Classroom Dashboard Trends Item Analysis Skills Analysis Standards Mastery Customized Reporting Student Analysis Individual Student Reporting Student List -we just reviewed the 1st of 3 types of reports. -Please select an activity to show your knowledge of that Classroom Reporting tool.
#1 Look at the Data: IA Tab Practice: pick a test Which item do students need remediation? Open the item to determine the most common error Speculate on reasons why students made this error Discussion: How can you use this information for instructional planning? Look at bar and see which one is the lowest
#2 Look at the Data: SA Tab Practice: pick a test Which domain has the highest scores? Drill into the subobjective. How many resources are available to help you reteach (resources and external resources) Discussion: How can you use this information for instructional planning? Teachers view to grow 4s and 5s, like they work to grow 1s and 2s
#3 Look at the Data: SM Tab Practice: pick a test Which standard have most students mastered? Click on the “M” to the right of the objective. How many resources are available to help you reteach this content? Discussion: How can you use this information for instructional planning?
Lesson 2: Using Schoolnet to Examine Data Classroom Reporting Benchmark Dashboard Summary Statistics Classroom Dashboard Trends Item Analysis Skills Analysis Standards Mastery Customized Reporting Student Analysis Individual Student Reporting Student List -take a look at your tab and note where they fall within our 3 types of reports. -lets look at the Classroom Reporting tabs first.
Student Analysis Spreadsheet Analyze student data using demographic and other data.
Student Analysis Spreadsheet How are my students performing across multiple data points? You can create a multi-column Analysis Spreadsheet and export the data to another application.
Student Analysis Spreadsheet You can also add your own columns By default, student set is the selected section – can override with student group Maximum of 25 columns Can export to Excel start with creating your own report
Student Analysis Spreadsheet while making the report, as you select the column the information below it will allow you to filter when you are done filtering “add column” you can keep adding them when done choose “Go to Spreadsheet” to see it, export it or save it to “My Reports” which shows up on your home page
Student Analysis Spreadsheet Some of the filters you can select from are attendance school and program enrollment benchmarks
Student Analysis Spreadsheet standardized test scores personal section marks - elementary and mostly middle will not use section marks because they don’t get final grade until end of year
Try It Out Practice Create a student analysis spreadsheet Most recent attendance Mathematics benchmark race Check for Understanding Why would you make a student analysis spreadsheet? -practice making a student analysis spreadsheet
Lesson 2: Using Schoolnet to Examine Data Classroom Reporting Benchmark Dashboard Summary Statistics Classroom Dashboard Trends Item Analysis Skills Analysis Standards Mastery Customized Reporting Student Analysis Individual Student Reporting Student List -take a look at your tab and note where they fall within our 3 types of reports. -lets look at the Classroom Reporting tabs first.
Student List -click on the student list tab
What information is available about each student? you can manipulate your list to show roster, marks, benchmark results (most recent), student groups
What information is available about each student? if you click on a student you will see their “Student Profile”
What information is available about each student? Scroll down…. Note- Schoolnet is like a shell all information is being pulled from PowerSchool. Anywhere you see a student name in blue text, such as on a report, you can click it to access the student profile. The Student Profile page is similar to an online cumulative folder. Teachers have a roster in the Schoolnet home page and in the Classrooms module that links to each profile. Building block of all reports information on each tab specific to the student DONT FORGET to scroll down on the “Student overview”
What information is available about each student? here you can see data from all test the student takes in terms of strengths and weaknesses This will populate for all subject areas using Schoolnet to assess this student. Here you can see ELA and Math. The level of the objective depends on the levels assigned in the assessments the student takes.
other tab have standardized test data enrollment data benchmark data classroom data -both benchmark and classroom data allow you to manipulate “test” to “standards” to break down the data
What information is available about each student? Show PDF link in top right corner can create a PDF of all this information from within the student you can do that 1 student from the page with the list of students you can do a batch print for multiple students.
Printing Student Profile Reports Professional Copy Single student profile Multiple student profiles Report for each section of a course Can be used to help student data planning
What information is available about each student?
Try It Out #2 Practice Create a Student Profile Report with student overview benchmarks classroom test Check for Understanding How can this report help you with an student data meeting (ex: IEP, MTSS)?
Student Performance: Teacher Reports Classroom Reporting Benchmark Dashboard Summary Statistics Classroom Dashboard Trends Item Analysis Skills Analysis Standards Mastery Customized Reporting Student Analysis Individual Student Reporting Student List -several reports helpful to teachers
Review: Report Matchup Which students have perfect attendance so far this year? On what standard/skill is your class doing the best? The worst? Do you see improvement from one test to the next? What instructional materials are available to help students with the skills they are having trouble mastering? Which benchmark question did your students do collectively better or worse than the district as a whole? Looking at the data, do you think that benchmark scores are good predictors of standardized test results? Use for individual or group practice. Tell participants to adjust scenarios to make them more meaningful, if desired. Which students have perfect attendance so far this year?-Student profile On what standard/skill is your class doing the best? The worst? -Skills analysis Do you see improvement from one test to the next? - Trends What instructional materials are available to help students with the skills they are having trouble mastering? -Standards Mastery Which benchmark question did your students do collectively better or worse than the district as a whole? - Item Analysis Looking at the data, do you think that benchmark scores are good predictors of standardized test results? -Student Profile, Student Analysis Spreadsheet
Lesson 1: Layout and structure of Schoolnet Training Agenda: PM Classrooms: Data Analysis & Instructional Materials Lesson 1: Layout and structure of Schoolnet Lesson 2:Using Schoolnet to examine data Classroom Reporting Customized Reporting Individual Student Reports Lesson 3:Locating available instructional materials Examining Schoonet data will include 3 types of reports data on full classroom assessments data you select to create a spreadsheet data pulled on individual students 57
What materials are available to support instruction? Make sure you are familiar with what is available for the audience Discuss how materials get in the bank (loaded by state into State vetted collection, added by districts in “All districts”
What materials are available to support instruction? when you first enter materials are suggested each material can be saved (stored in your “My materials”), scheduled, edited and previewed see box for “key word” searching at the top in the middle
Your instruction? HELP! Homebase Training can filter by subject and use “Home Base Training “ help can also filter by grade (beside the subject filter)
Blank Search: What you have access to... Just click Search to see all available filters, or browse available materials in your bank this will vary with other districts based on what they add see filters on the left for material type, rating, audience, publisher and institution Institution show you where your content is coming from all of this is for 1 of the 4 tabs across the top if you select a different tab the information and resources available will change.
Standards Aligned Resources ex: searching by standard if you have suggested materials they will show up by your section and based on data note you can “star” resources
Standards Search change the filter to standards an click search (standards search) Not only can you search for materials, but you can also search for standards and see what materials are available for each standard C-curriculum IU-instructional unit LP-lesson plan A-Assessment R-Resources E-external resource
How do you find materials that are in your school bank? Talk about it How do you find materials that are in your school bank? How many tabs have been available for you to pull content? How can you use this to inform instruction? -several answers: come to instructional materials and do a blank search -4 tabs: there are different resources on each of the 4 tabs (NC Materials, NCLOR, SAS, Instructional Support) -by looking materials you can devise a reteach plan
Blank Search: Resources to Assign Just click Search to see all available filters, or browse available materials in your bank this will vary with other districts based on what they add see filters on the left for material type, rating, audience, publisher and institution Institution show you where your content is coming from all of this is for 1 of the 4 tabs across the top if you select a different tab the information and resources available will change. click on the items “FOR STUDENT” to see items you can assign
Who has access to “My Materials?” Talk about it Who has access to “My Materials?” If you create a great resource, how can you share it? What kinds of things would you assign to students? -on the teacher -submit to school bank -several answers: items that do not need direct grading, resources, Items that can be placed in the Student Workspaces