Key Questions and Objectives Curriculum Model Canvas: Harlem Renaissance Project (3MP) Feedback for Students Skills Exercised Key Questions and Objectives Teacher-Student Interactions Assessments Writing: in-class, research presentation, test Researching sources: assessing, synthesizing, and footnoting (citations) Presenting: eye contact, voice, body language + content, interest (engagement), clarity – the creative work: poem, painting, story, play, screenplay, essay, song, article, etc. Digital literacy: Blog posts embedded with video/Slideshare/Prezi/images/links Creating original work inspired by the student’s key figure Citation Autonomy & Intellectual Curiosity What are the core understandings and central topics? Students will select a key figure in the Harlem Renaissance (HR) in order to gain a deeper understanding of the period. Students will present their research orally as well as digitally. They will also produce a creative work in the spirit of the Harlem Renaissance. What was the Harlem Renaissance? Why Harlem? Why 1919-1939? What is the legacy of the Harlem Renaissance? What role did Jazz/Art/Literature play in the Harlem Renaissance? Through student research, presentation, and collaboration, students will learn about the Harlem Renaissance via biographies of key figures. What are the multiple ways students will find out how they are doing? Google Moderator – questions and quotes Preliminary Quiz – Who’s Who? – low stakes After introduction and selection process and early research In class essay – teacher comments on writing peer share – 2 readers Research Presentation – Peer review + note-taking Feedback on Creative Work Final Test – Created by students via study guide 3 key points 1 passage of writing by or about the figure Plus example of work of art, literature, song/lyric, etc. Discussion – Unit Introduction Selection Process 1-1 review 10 questions that student wants to answer Writing conference after in-class essay (while students research independently) Review presentation feedback Review creative work What will the students be doing to demonstrate their learning to you? What assessments will best help students meet your objectives? Preliminary Quiz – Who’s Who? Low-stakes – serves as study guide In-Class Essay: Harlem Renaissance – see key questions Presentations – Peer Feedback Creative work: poem, painting, story, play, screenplay, essay, song, article, etc. (Peer Graded - Honors, Passed, Failed) – shared via blog post Citation Check – presentation, blog, etc. Contribution to study guide - Final Test - Content Student-Student Interactions Curated? Created? By whom? I will introduce the period – then students will research, curate, and present the content (orally and digitally): Jazz - recommended listening - Biography of key figures in Harlem Renaissance- History/Arts/Music/Literature - Social Change Poetry: Claude McKay,“If We Must Die” (1919) Langston Hughes, “Jazzonia” (1923) “Harlem” (1951) : Plus more … How will they collaborate? How will they connect? sharing sources, quotes, and questions – via discussion and Google moderator Peer Feedback – After in-class essay – read and discuss in small groups. After presentations – Google Hangout Air – recorded groups of 3 or 4. Q&A Creative work – written feedback. Collaborating and creating Test Study Guide Feedback for Teacher Grading Instructional Design How will you gather evidence of the lesson’s success? Quality of student research and presentations should be evident. Student questionnaire asking for feedback: What did you learn from this lesson? What did you enjoy? What would you change? What will you be grading? How often? How will grades be communicated to students? Graded: In-class essay, presentation/research, final test. Points: for hitting deadlines for each step, for participation in discussion (in class and online), for test study guide. Honors/Pass/Fail for creative work. How will you build this lesson so learning paths are clear? What tools will you use to aid in effective design? - CANVAS to organize the steps for this unit with additional info on a Google Site. Google Moderator will share links to student presentation/research on student blogs. Google Hangout Air to record student feedback on peers presentation/research.