Daily Announcements friday, march 17, 2017
PASSING PERIODS Students should not pass through the gym during passing periods…for any reason!
Lanyards for sale! Need to print and don’t have your ID? Show your school spirit and keep your student ID safe. Paw print lanyards for sale in the LRC. $2.00 per lanyard.
Want a place to hang out with your friends one morning a week? 7th and 8th graders Want a place to hang out with your friends one morning a week?
Do you want to… enjoy comfy chairs, ping pong, a game of bags, and free snacks? throw a morning breakfast party with your friends or have a birthday celebration for someone? have a place to charge your phone, work on homework, primp for school, or just hang out? If you answered yes to these questions, purchase a ticket to the 7th/8th Grade Lounge at the Tiger Depot!
80% of Success is SHOWING UP! We want to celebrate those of you that do this EVERYDAY! Each month we will recognize students with PERFECT ATTENDANCE for that month! *Students will randomly be drawn for a chance to win some great PRIZES!!!! YOU MISS SCHOOL YOU MISS OUT!!!
GAMERS CLUB Every Monday, from 3:10-4:10 in the LRC. Bring games and have fun with friends and teachers. Please see Mr. Donovan, Mr. Desiderio, or Mr. LeDeaux with questions.
TIGER SAFETY Please remember to respect each other's personal space, and responsibly keep hands, feet, and other to yourselves. This means games such as necking and 5 star are prohibited. We understand friends play these games with one another, but also know these playful actions can escalate and lead to unwanted outcomes, not only for the participants, but for others in the vicinity. These infractions will be taken seriously, and responded to sternly. Please continue being a Tiger that ROARS!
Caps for a Cause Kids are collecting caps and lids Caps for a Cause Kids are collecting caps and lids! Donations can be dropped off on the stage in the cafeteria, in Mrs. Robinson's room-2113, or at the front desk in the LRC!
Thompson Girls Only!!!! The Kind Campaign is coming to Thompson on March 22nd! This is a Girls- only assembly! Get to know what it’s all about: www.kindcampaign.com or follow them on FB, Instagram or Twitter Check it out!!!
Thompson-Boys Only! On Wednesday, March 22nd, you will be participating in the Thompson Character Academy for Boys. During the afternoon you will proceed through 3 Rotations (by grade) designed to help you prepare for your future success. You will hear guest speakers sharing their experiences and participate in a problem-solving activity, as well. One of the rotations will be in classrooms, so look at the announcement slides on Monday to see what room you will be assigned to on that day!
TGIM, Tigers!!! Think about it: when you look back, what do you want to think about your performance? Give you best effort EVERY day in EVERY area of your life….do it for you!
SHAMROCK SHUFFLE Who: You and your friends What: A never-before-seen event at Thompson Why: Pizza, candy, pop, music, open gym, and… SHAMROCK FLOATS!!! When: This Friday, 3:00-4:30 Tickets are $2 at lunch (Thursday & Friday) and $3 at the door Where: Cafeteria & Gym